(Please scroll down for English version)
大學書店 ── 商務印書館
中大教職員及學生憑中大通到大學書店購買「博群講座 ── 博群書節選書」可獲 7 折優惠;中英文綜雜書籍(大專教科書除外)兩冊或以上,即享 8 折優惠。
優惠期:2016 年 3 月 1 至 15 日
中大教職員、學生及校友購買任何書籍,憑中大通及校友證件可享 75 折優惠(特價除外)。
優惠期:2016 年 3 月 1 至 31 日
The University Bookstore – The Commercial Press
A discount of 30% is offered for the purchase of "I·CARE Lecture – Selected books for I·CARE Book Fair" for CUHK’s staff and students when presenting CU Link; a discount of 20% is offered for the purchase of 2 or more Chinese or English general books (except for textbooks).
Discount period: 1 - 15 March 2016
The Chinese University Press
A discount of 25% is offered to staff, students and alumni for the purchase of any book with CU Link or alumni identification card (except for special priced books).
Discount period: 1 - 31 March 2016