組裝未來:一個物理博士的社會實驗 Assembling the Future: A Social Innovator’s Intriguing Project

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想像一個新的經濟秩序 —— 知識自由傳播,共享和協作成為日常,我們終於克服了資源短缺的困局,過上自助自主、自給自足的生活……
本學年博群大講堂主講嘉賓是「開源生態計劃」創辦人兼執行總監 Dr. Marcin Jakubowski*。一個研究核聚變的物理博士,為了實踐願景,走上社會創新的路。開源(Open source),在虛擬的電腦世界,曾掀起一場開放軟件原始碼的大變革;Jakubowski 關心的是,同樣的概念,是否適用於硬件建設? 2003 年,他創辦「開源生態計劃」,讓各界於開放平台共享組件設計與製造的方案,以及發佈各種機械與工具。十五年間,Jakubowski造過拖拉機、蓋過房子、生產各種工業器材,近年研究如何自家製作手機和 3D 打印機。
講者:Dr. Marcin Jakubowski*
日期:2018 年 10 月 24 日(星期三)
時間:晚上 6 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分
跟 Dr. Marcin Jakubowski 交流可持續發展
日期︰ 2018 年 10 月 24 日(星期三)
時間︰ 下午 2 時 30 分至 3 時 30 分
地點︰ 香港中文大學富爾敦樓地下校友會會議中心
語言︰ 英語
名額: 15 位有興趣的中大師生
形式: 輕鬆討論
* 講者簡介
Marcin Jakubowski,威斯康辛大學博士(主修核聚變物理學),「開源生態計劃」創辦人兼執行總監。Jakubowski 年幼從波蘭移居美國,完成學業後於密蘇里州從事農業,期間他發現很多工具器材未能完全符合用家需要,遂於 2003 年創辦「開源生態計劃」,讓各界於開放平台共享可負擔的方案建設、製造及發佈各種工具器材。Jakubowski 憑藉其推動創新的熱誠,獲選為 2012 TED Senior Fellow、2013 Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow,以及 2013 White House Champion of Change。「開源生態計劃」的其中一個項目「全球村落建設工具組」更獲時代雜誌選為 2012 最佳發明之一。
電話:3943 8621
Imagine the next economy where knowledge has no boundaries: we share, we collaborate, and we combat resource scarcity to assemble our own lives and to attain self-sufficiency.
Sounds impossible? Not really.
This year, we are pleased to have invited Dr. Marcin Jakubowski*, Founder and Executive Director of Open Source Ecology, to be the keynote speaker of the University Lecture on Civility. Originally a researcher on nuclear fusion, Dr. Jakubowski has now turned to be a start-up entrepreneur pioneering innovation. As suggested by the title “Assembling the Future: A Social Innovator's Intriguing Project”, Dr. Jakubowski will share with us his perspectives on the future world and his tough journey towards actualising his idea of Open Source Ecology.
Innovation entails both creative imagination and persistent effort. Dr. Jakubowski will share with us his personal experience and tell us how he has been driving Open Source Ecology to tackle the paucity of resources and to take control over our own lives. No matter DIY mobile phones, 3D printers, or machines, Dr. Jakubowski is striving to transform the blueprints into something real - all by his perseverance and resilience.
Speaker: Dr. Marcin Jakubowski
Host: Prof. Ng Mee-kam (Department of Geography & Resource Management)
Date: 24 October 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 6, Lee Shau Kee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Other activities
Exchange with Dr. Marcin Jakubowski on Sustainable Development
Date: 24 October 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Venue: Alumni Associations Centre, G/F, John Fulton Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Quota: 15 interested CUHK students and staff
Format: Casual discussion
* Speaker’s Biography
Marcin Jakubowski, Founder and Executive Director of Open Source Ecology, went to the U.S. from Poland as a child and received his Ph.D. in fusion physics from the University of Wisconsin. Originally aspired to achieve sustainable farming in Missouri, he discovered that many machines and tools did not accommodate users’ needs. He then founded Open Source Ecology in 2003 with an aim to create a collaborative open source platform that optimises development, production, and distribution of tools and machines in an affordable and manageable way. With his commitment to driving innovative ideas, Jakubowski was recognised as a 2012 TED Senior Fellow, a 2013 Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow and awarded 2013 White House Champion of Change. As one of his open source initiatives, the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) was selected as one of the “Best Inventions of the Year 2012” by Time magazine.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk