2018-19 博群香港文化導賞計劃 I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2018-19

(Please scroll down for English version)



本中心現正為本年度「博群香港文化導賞計劃」招募導賞員。獲取錄的同學將接受專業的導賞培訓, 繼而親身探索社區不同角落、自行規劃導賞路線,並帶領本地中學生深入認識香港,追尋她的歷史。詳情如下:


  1. 北角

  2. 筲箕灣

  3. 太子及旺角

  4. 油麻地

  5. 九龍城及土瓜灣(參加者須與區內長者合作策劃導賞活動)


日期: 2018 年 10 月 23 日(星期二)

時間: 下午 7 時至 9 時 30 分



2018 年 10 月 2 日(星期二)


請按 此處 瀏覽2018-19 博群香港文化導賞計劃地圖



電話:3943 2306


Hong Kong is a small place of unique culture and rich history which deserves to be savoured and explored. However rapid the city has changed and developed, it is left with many anecdotes which hold clues to its past. How much do you know about these Hong Kong stories?

Recruitment of docents

The I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project of this academic year is now recruiting docents who will receive a series of professional training to enhance tour guiding capability and gain first-hand experience of exploring the hidden side of Hong Kong. Accepted students will then design and lead cultural tours serving secondary school students. Details are as follow.

Five districts for selection

  1. North Point

  2. Shau Kei Wan

  3. Prince Edward and Mong Kok

  4. Yau Ma Tei

  5. Kowloon City and To Kwa Wan (Students are required to devise the tour together with the elderly living in that locality)

Briefing Session (Compulsory)

Date: 23 October 2018 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm

Training Schedule

Enrolment Deadline

2 October 2018 (Tuesday)


Please click here to view maps of I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2018-19

(Chinese version only)


Miss Li of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 2306

Email: laurali@cuhk.edu.hk