2017-18 服務計劃在中大 Service projects @CUHK 2017-18

(Please scroll down for English version)

在 2017-18 年度,博群計劃已落實支持社會服務計劃,服務有需要人士,當中包括本地、內地及海外地區的服務項目,讓同學參與其中,服務社群。





孩子是我們未來社會的棟樑,照顧他們,讓他們有一個健康的成長是每一個人的責任。而在社區裡的弱勢社羣,特別是有特殊需要的孩子也是應該被受關注的,因此我們的團體很希望能盡一分綿力,透過週末舉辦兒童活動或遊戲,給予 SOCOs 低收入家庭及有特別需要的孩子和家長 ── 心義行(沙田區)一些幫助和支援。








締造可持續發展的義補項目 ──(透過科技) 傑科 V1




我們計劃透過科技延伸和延長既有的義補服務,而利用 AI 技術的電話程式相信感改善教育。Smartcheck 的第一版本(電話程式)希望透過已經開辦義補的非牟利機構、慈善團體和宗教團體為有需要學童提供遙距功課檢查服務,藉此改善上述的義補限制,因 Smartcheck 能改進管理義工的模式和簡單地指導學生的功課進度。

Smartcheck 不是用以代替現有的「一對一」義補服務,而是讓義補服務能衝破其既有限制,令更多學生受益,因遙距補習能解決義工和學生面對的空間問題。除了功課輔導外,此電話程式亦能幫助聯繫義工和學童的關係。另外,它也能解決義補機構因要處理空間問題而加重的成本。





廣州“穗”義教項目旨在説明流動兒童認識及融入廣州,與此同時帶他們瞭解廣州豐富的公共教育資源,改善因家境不均帶來的教育資源不均狀況。 在“穗”項目中,孩子們不僅能參與內容豐富的趣味課堂,而且可以與志願者一起探索和認識這座城市。我們希望讓孩子們感受到真切的關懷,使他們能夠在這座繁華的城市中茁壯成長。

同心 · 童步 · 同行




崇基學院學生會雲上太陽服務團於過去數年皆有到國內和國外的山區地方進行義教。今年,我們將會前往廣西悟州的農村小學做義教;我們期望每個參加者能生動地、互動地及具啟發性地進行教學,同時會主動與當地兒童交流,相互鼓勵;就像雲上散發溫暖的太陽一樣 ,以真誠的心去幫助及服務有需要的人,延續本會服務群體的一貫精神。

Lensational 2018 課程(攝影與性別議題)




Lensational 2018 課程是一系列以攝影和性別議題為題目的工作坊,主要對象為在港工作的菲傭和印傭,也有本地的大學生(主要為中大學生)參與。課程後我們會舉辦兩場攝影展覽,讓公眾更多瞭解外傭的生活和視角,也有機會讓 Lensational 學員展示她/他們的學習成果。

Lensational 2018 課程以充權為目標,透過教授攝影技巧,以及提升對自我和性別議題的認識,讓學員加深瞭解和表達自己。影像是一個有力方式去表達自己。我們希望攝影能成為她們提升自信的一門興趣、一門有用的技藝,用照片打開外傭和香港其他群體的溝通橋樑。


"曙光中同行"── 提升 ADHD 兒童家庭之幸福感的社會服務與醫療機構的跨專業及跨地域的服務學習計劃




此項目擬招募及培訓 CUHK 的學生義工,為西安當地的 ADHD 兒童及家庭提供兩批次的兩天一夜的營地活動。目標旨在促進 ADHD 兒童之家庭成員的健康互動,以提升幸福感及自我整合和發展。通過社區服務體驗式學習,提高學生們的社會責任感,鼓勵他們主導更多創新有意義的社會服務項目。透過社會服務與醫療機構的跨專業合作,為西安當地的 ADHD 治療方案提供新的可能性。

2017-2018 深圳扶葭項目




「扶葭深圳項目」致力於關注內地流動兒童的生存狀況,改善其學習環境與文化水準。項目的誕生,將之前的短期支教拓展成了長期的系列活動,更注重兒童的成長與變化。該項目服務對象為廣東深圳龍華新區元芬社區和南山區街道明珠街社區黨群服務中心中 9-12 歲流動兒童。該項目將由志願者圍繞主題設計豐富多彩的活動,具有針對性和教育意義,活動內容涵蓋了文化知識、自我保護及職業體驗等。





本計劃將提供每星期兩次的功課輔導和每月一次的其他學習經歷予 24 位 6 至 12 歲住在嘉福兒童之家的小朋友,旨於滿足他們的學習需要和促進他們發展。本計劃將招募中大學生擔任功課輔導老師。基督教服務處將提供訓練予功課輔導班老師,使老師清楚兒童之家⼩朋友的學習需要和提升老師與小朋友的溝通技巧。











在這六個月的服務計劃中,我們將舉辦一個多家庭小組及三次跨家庭小組重聚(服務合共 12 個家庭)。每個家庭將參與三個階段的服務:兩天在中大校園舉辦的家庭日、兩日一夜的戶外家庭露營,及一天跨家庭的重聚活動。這計劃的服務設計引用社工系和精神科學系的「A.D.H.D.」框架:A(接納與陪伴)、D(差異與多元)、H(健康家庭生活)及 D(發展孩子的天賦)。我們希望透過這些服務協助參與家庭建立互助支持網絡,通過共同面對小組中的困難以提升家庭的先我效能感。本計劃同時應用服務學習框架豐富新加入的學生義工在過程中的學習。服務學習旨在將社會服務與學術知識結合,從而提升學生的學習質素、個人對社會的責任感及社區發展。










我們的項目將會有兩個階段,目的在於提升家僱的健康意識,以及教育並預防疾病的常識。第一階段, 我們將會舉行健康展覽及檢查, 旨在 1)宣傳我們作為一個健康平臺能夠提供家庭傭工可靠的健康資訊和並提供轉介服務給醫生於低成本醫療服務;2)加深我們對這少數族群的其他醫療保健需求和差距,同時我們將會進行基本健康檢查,如血壓和血糖水準檢查;3)提供專家健康教育講座。第二階段將會與 PathFinders 以及 Hong Kong Women Doctors Association 等機構合作,免費進行健康檢查,專⾨針對該社區的特定需求,如宮頸篩查和乳房檢查。除了向參與者提供一對一的教育和一般健康諮詢之外,該健康檢查還將篩選並幫助識別任何潛在的健康問題。通過我們建立的公益醫生網絡,家僱將可以獲得專家醫生的後續健康服務。

2017~2018 扶葭武漢"曦"項目




SEED 項目是由扶葭公益組織在 2013 年發起的,並在過去的四年成功地在武漢新洲區舉辦。SEED 項目旨在關注內地的留守兒童問題並為他們提供⾼質量的義教服務。同時努力提高人們對此問題的關注度。這一項貝為 CUHK 的學生提供了一個近距離接觸社會問題的實踐機會,他們可以通過自己的實踐感觸,增加對留守兒童問題的認識。對目標學生而言,在志願者的陪伴下,他們不僅能收穫知識,更能開拓眼界增長見識。

去年,22 位來自 HKU 和 CUHK 的志願者們成功地在兩所學校開展了課外活動,並收到了校方的積極回饋,今年,我們將繼續我們的旅程。

2018 年,我們希望能將 SEED 項目做得更好,除了對留守兒童基本的關懷,開展豐富的課外活動,我們還希望更多地從學術方面關注留守兒童問題,我們將通過問卷及家訪的形式調查留守兒童的情況,整理總結出一份武漢市新洲區留守兒童現狀,並且在收隊後得出一份有關留守兒童課題的調查報告。我們相信,今年的 SEED 項目會是一個很大的轉變,更深層次的關注留守兒童問題,擴大影響力,努力創造項目發展的新成就。










自 2012 年,崇基學院學生會雲上太陽服務團便展開維持每個學期一次的義尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃 3 教工作,目的地主要包括國內的山區小學,也曾到國外較貧困的國家。在這一次活動裡,我們把目的地定在尼泊爾,於當地的小學進行義教。教學方面,我們一如以往貫徹「互動教學」,希望能透過生動及具啟發性的教學,讓當地學生有不一樣的學習體驗。同時, 交流方,我們會主動與當地兒童接觸,並相互勉勵,成為彼此的同行者。

尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃 3




尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃是本機構的一項長期計畫。本年六月我們將再度出發前往 Namtar 地區進行長達兩星期的醫療服務,我們會透過健康教育、設立流動診所、居所探訪、與當地教師討論等一系列活動,期望能針對以往審視過的問題,進一步收窄尼泊爾人民的健康差距,建立一個自給自足的社區。此外,參與義工的醫學生亦能擴闊眼界,受益匪淺。

拓荒 · 高棉 柬埔寨義工服務團 2018




是年度夏季項目將於 2018 年 5 月 24 日至 7 月 7 日在三龍市小學及蒲樸小學進行,前者一直是我們的服務對象,而後者則為新的服務目標。據上次考察可見,三龍市學生及其家人的疾病認識薄弱,而且鄰近的蒲樸小學亦沒有足夠的廁所和洗手設備。在這個暑假,項目 A 將會在蒲樸小學興建廁所和洗手站,旨在為學生提供設備,以培養他們使用廁所及如廁後洗手的良好習慣。同時,項目 B 亦會與該校學生傳授與洗手和廁所衛生有關的健康資訊。另外,項目 B 亦會向三龍市學生傳授環境衛生和常見疾病的知識。





地點: 柬埔寨

「夢 · 行動」農村健康促進計劃致力於改善柬埔寨遙遠村落的農村健康水準,其活動主要集中於五個方面:

  1. 透過教育和食水衛生設備優化工程,建成混合肥料廁所以改善室外排便污染問題。

  2. 透過教育和與 Takeo 眼科醫院合辦的外展眼科檢查活動,為村民提供眼部醫療服務。

  3. 透過基本健康教育,增加村民對基本健康衛生與常見疾病的預防措施的理解。

  4. 培育農村青少年,自發組織健康有關的社區活動。

  5. 通過研究和教育,提升村民的營養知識水準,改善村民飲食習慣。


斯里 · 思你 ── 衛生由你做起





隨著工業化趨勢,近年加勒的廢物排放及處置問題越趨嚴重,當地每天排放多達 50.9 噸廢物,遠超政府廢物處理系統的吸納容量。由於當地人民缺乏廢物處理知識,他們習慣隨便棄置或自行焚燒廢物,而這將長遠對斯里蘭卡的環境衛生及人民健康帶來負面影響。部分斯里蘭卡人已被發現懷疑因廢物焚燒問題而出現呼吸道疾病。有見及此,我們希望通過教育向當地人民灌輸廢物處理知識,包括重用及回收廢物等。在是次計劃中,我們將會舉辦一連串與廢物處理、環境保護及個人衛生相關的活動和工作坊,希望藉此提升當地人民對衛生及健康的關注。



  1. 在當地中學進行基本急救及個人衛生知識工作坊

  2. 在智障兒童小學進行義教*

  3. 社區健康檢查


  1. 在當地中學進行環保教育工作坊

  2. 到老人院進行探訪*

  3. 到孤兒院進行探訪*

  4. 到弱勢女子庇護中心進行探訪

  5. 家居探訪及需求評估

關愛 · 無邊界







電話:3943 8621




Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 19

Project Location: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Children are our future. The saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. It is everyone’s responsibility to taking care of our ‘future’ especially to those less fortunate. Our group is very happy to be able to reach the target groups: the children who are underprivileged and children with special education needs (SEN), namely ‘SOCOs community’ and ‘Love V Act’ in Shatin District.

As we are a group of undergraduate students in the early childhood education program, we hope to make our contribution by supporting and enhancing children’s learning experience with our knowledge and skills. Our mission of this project is to better the society and support these groups of children. We would take the advantage of the space in CU campus, and effectively use the resources we have acquired.

It is our wish to benefit children and their caregivers. The student volunteers will facilitate and organize activities to children such as exploring art materials, music and movement, and science activities etc. to promote physical, cognitive, social and emotional and aesthetic development. Their caregivers also will be provided a place for gathering, sharing and relaxing while they are waiting for their children. Parents can build their social network through the informal setting. In the future, we may also consider organizing activities for parents.

DM Day

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 50

Project Location: Hong Kong

DM day is a public knowledge transfer event for diabetic mellitus that aims to reach out to Hong Kong residents and educate them about diabetes and how to prevent the disease, especially the high-risk groups. We have identified two major high-risk groups, be it: the aged and children. The older adult group is prone to diabetes as the body deteriorates and their body becomes less sensitive to insulin. As for the children population, we see a gap in terms of health education and the unhealthy lifestyle of children, reflected in the increase in obese children over the years. There are several ways to eliminate or reverse the risk factors for diabetes, and we hope that through educating our target population in DM day, we can help prevent the increase in the number of diabetes cases. Ultimately we want to prevent the disease from happening, prevent the disease from progressing for the diabetic patients, and to prevent the disease from becoming a future burden for the society.

Extending and enabling continuous volunteer- tutoring through app - Smartcheck v1

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations:CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 43

Project Location: Hong Kong

Our team plan to extend and enable continuous volunteering tutoring via technology, in this case, mobile app with potential of AI enhanced education in future. Smartcheck v1 (mobile app) aims to provide remote homework checking to needy children via NGOs, charity and religious organisation that already operate some forms of volunteer-tuition and in essence, solve the pain points mentioned above (round 1: to a certain extent; multiple iteration is expected to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology)

Smartcheck would not replace “one on one” tuition but to extend the tuition beyond time and space constraint. It enables remote tutoring which would transcend the physical availability of the volunteers and students. Both parties could do it remotely and maintain the same tutor-student relationship throughout the school years and beyond. Lastly, it would improve the management of the volunteers and supervising the progress of with each students with ease.

The Guangzhou Tassel Voluntary Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 9

Project Location: Guangzhou

Guangzhou Tassel Voluntary Project aims to help the children of migrants know and integrate into Guangzhou. In the meantime, Tassel will take them to embrace the colourful public education resources in Guangzhou in order to change the unfair education resource distribution brought by family wealth inequality. Different from traditional voluntary project, Tassel will not only provide the children with colourful classes but also let them travel and explore their city with volunteers. Combining classes and outside activities, Tassel aims to expand the children’s horizons and deepen their understanding and interest in knowledge. What Tassel also wants to tell the children is that knowledge is not limited in books and classes, because there are much more things to experience in the outside world. What’s more, we will try every method to help those children deal with their difficulties in life and teach them how to behave well. Additionally, we will seek for different ways to get in touch with children’s parents and teachers so that we can have the chance to make further impact on them. In general, Tassel hopes to make the children’s lives better and better in the bustling city.

Chung Chi The Suns Trip to China

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Chung Chi The Suns

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Guangxi

Chung Chi the Suns has been to both domestic and foreign mountainous area for mission and service purpose in the past few years. In this year, we will go to a rural primary school in Guangxi. We hope that every participant will be able to teach vividly, interactively and energetically; and able to communicate with local children actively, meanwhile encouraging each other. Similar to our group’s name, with a sincere heart to serve the people in need as the sun did to human, and continue the service group's consistent spirit.

Lensational Academy 2018 (Photography + Gender Issues)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 10

Project Location: Hong Kong

Lensational Academy 2018 is a series of photography and gender issue workshops dedicated mainly to the Filipino/Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong, while involving university students (majority from CUHK). There will also be two photo exhibitions to showcase the outcome of these workshops and engage the public to the foreign domestic workers (FDWs) community.

The purpose of this Academy is to empower FDWs through teaching of photography skills and heightening of gender awareness in relations to their personhood. Image is a powerful channel to represent oneself. Through photography, we hope our FDWs participants can open up a new field of interest, gain self-confidence, attain a set of useful skills, and let their voice be heard.

In addition to the hard skills, the gender issue workshops aim at giving a gender perspective to the FDWs on their exploration of identity and life. Highlighting relationship between gender and self, family, work, religion and body, we hope the FDWs can reflect on the extent to which their personhood is shaped and molded by their womanhood, so as to understand the rights and options they have in life. It is also a platform for communication and mutual understanding between Filipina, Indonesians and local students.

Accompany Families of Children with ADHD Moving Forward To Dawn — An Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Social Services (Hong Kong) and Medical Institutions (Mainland China) on Enhancing the Well-being of Families of Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 9

Project Location: Xi’an

This project would recruit 9 student volunteers in CUHK and deliver the following services to the families of children with ADHD in Xi’an: opening ceremony, overnight camp batch 1, and overnight camp batch 2, volunteer training for all CUHK students and interdisciplinary collaboration. To facilitate the communications among the family members; family members will enjoy a quality family time which was beneficial for promoting a healthy family lifestyle.

This project will adopt the framework of CSL (Community Service-Learning). There are three parties in this framework: universities & colleges, students, and community. In this project, students will apply the academic knowledge learnt in University into the community (cooperate with hospitals in serving the group of families of children with ADHD). The CSL will enhance the quality of learning, promote students’ social responsibility. Students will be encouraged to conduct creative and meaningful social service projects when they back to Hong Kong.

To have interdisciplinary communication between social services providers and medical staffs, in this way to build up a partnership and to explore a sustainable pathway for the local medical institutions in providing holistic services for families of children with ADHD.

Fujia 2017-2018 Shenzhen Program

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Shenzhen

Fujia Shenzhen Program aims to provide voluntary services to migrant children in Yuanfen Community Service Centre and Mingzhu Community Service Centre. This program will provide opportunities for CUHK students to participate in voluntary work to gain first-hand experience of interacting with migrant children, and to get deeper insight into the one of the most widely concern social issues in China-the problem of migrant children.

We are trying our best to improve their learning environment through designing a series of activities. The program courses focus on various aspects, such as cultural knowledge, selfprotection awareness and profession experience. The migrant children can learn useful knowledge, broaden their horizons and enjoy the company of our enthusiastic volunteers.

Next year, we will continue our weekend journey to serve migrant children in Shenzhen. 10 volunteers (5 from CUHK and 5 from HKU) together with 4 Fujia committee members and around 25 children will participate in this program.

To improve our service and to organize more comprehensive activities for migrant children, the program hopes to invite more local volunteers to enrich the diversity. In addition, our new activities will cover more areas such as environmental protection and career guidance in order to bring them unforgettable experiences.

Act for a Comprehensive Tutorial Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 19

Project Location: Hong Kong

The project aims at providing academic tutorial classes and other learning experiences for 24 out-of-home care children (OOHCC) in 6 – 12 ages in Ka Fuk Small Group Home in order to cater their learning needs and foster their development. The tutorials classes are to be held after school twice a week and other learning experiences are to be arranged once a month. The tutorial teachers would be recruited from students in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Christian Service would provide training workshops for the students in order to equip them with the skills to communicate with the OOHCC and understanding about their academic needs.

Senior Joyful Camp

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 18

Project Location: Hong Kong

The target participants of the Senior Joyful Camp are elderly residents from Sham Shui Po, the poorest district in Hong Kong. Through engaging in the self-entertaining activities with youths, participants may adopt a more diverse living style while applying the skills learned in daily life, as well as to promote the integration within the inter-generational.

The one-day camp will be held in Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp, dividing into two sessions. The morning session will be the dessert workshop and the Tie-dye workshop will be held after lunch. An older adult and a volunteer will form a pair and two pairs form a group. The activities will be launched in a form of groups.

Quality Time for Families of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Service Learning Project (2018)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 8

Project Location: Hong Kong

In this 6-month service project, 1 multi-family group and 3 cross-family reunion days will be conducted to serve 12 families in total. Each family will participate in three phases of service: 2 fullday “Family Day” in CUHK Campus, 2-day-1-night “Family camp” in campsite located in the country parks, and 1 full-day “Cross-family Reunion”. This service project adopts the A.D.H.D. framework which is proposed by a cross-disciplinary research project launched by Department of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry: A (Acceptance & Accompany) 、D (Difference & Diversity) 、H (Healthy Family Lifestyle) and D (Develop child’s innate gift). We hope to create a mutually supportive and accepting social network between the families and strengthen their sense of efficacy through gaining the mastery experience over the problems arisen in the group. Besides, a 'Service Learning Framework' is also adopted to enhance the learning of the newly recruited student volunteers in three aspects: quality of learning, social responsibility and community development.

Bridging the Gap

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 20

Project Location: Hong Kong

This project has two main aims: to help low-income elderly and children from less well-off families, and to improve the interaction between citizens of different age groups. First, this project will employ 3 to 4 low-income elderlies who know how to make traditional handicrafts, such as Dough Figurine Sculptures, Beads Crafts and Grass Weaving. With the assistance of Student Volunteers from CUHK, they will teach children from low-income families how to make these handicrafts at Community Centres. Through this project, I hope to improve the self-esteem of low-income elderlies and children, and also increase the communication between people from different age groups to help improve social harmony. Further, the project also involves a Roadshow where Children and Volunteers will teach members of the public how to make these traditional handicrafts in a public space. This helps enrich the public space and raise public awareness on the traditional cultures and handicrafts, to help preserve them and pass them onto the next generation.

Health Fair and Screening for Foreign Domestic Helpers

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Hong Kong

Our project will be achieved through two major milestones, with the goal to target health awareness, education, and disease prevention for domestic helpers. The first milestone is a health fair that is designed to 1) promote the existence of our organization as a health platform that can serve as a point of contact for the domestic helpers (DH) to access reliable source of health information and for referral to doctors for low-cost healthcare services, 2) deepen our understanding of this minority group's other healthcare gaps and needs while we perform general health checks such as blood pressure and glucose level checks at this activity, 3) offer sessions of educational talks from health experts. The second milestone is a free health screening focused on specific needs in this community such as cervical screening and breast exams, in collaboration with organizations such as PathFinders and Hong Kong Women Doctors Association. This health screening will screen and help identify any potential health problems, in addition to providing one-on-one education and general health counselling to the participants. Follow-ups with specialist doctors will be available via our self-established network of pro-bono doctors.

Fujia 2017~2018 Wuhan Seed Program

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 10

Project Location: Wuhan

SEED program was first initiated by Fujia in 2013 and it was successfully held in Xinzhou, Wuhan of Hubei Province these years. The program aims at concerning the left-behind children in mainland China, and providing high quality voluntary service for the left-behind children in the target area--Wuhan. We will hold a summer camp in Xinji Primary School which lasts for two weeks in order to provide the children with colourful after-class activities this year.

The problem of left-behind children is one of the widely concerned social problems which appeared because the economic development of different regional is imbalance. SEED program focuses on the educational problem of the left-behind children and try to raise the people’s awareness of this problem. Also we provide good opportunity for CUHK student to take part in the voluntary work.

Last year, 22 volunteers from HKU and CUHK succeed in providing diverse courses for left-behind children. This year, we will continue our journey to serve the left-behind children in Xinji and Jiujie primary school. In this year, we not only have colourful after-class activities, but the home visit will be also carried out in order to find more details of the left-behind children’s situation. We also will set up a database of the left-children based on our research and provide a research report after our service. We strongly believe that 2018 SEED program will perform much better than past years and will be regarded as the strategic shift of our service program.

Health Behaviour and Disaster Preparedness Promotion among Left-Behind Children in China

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 10

Project Location: Xi’an

The activities include health behaviour education and disaster preparedness. They will be implemented base on the need of LBC and aim at promoting their health and protect their life. Participants from different majors will be divided into groups and corporate each other to implement educational activities in child care centre in Zuolong Township. The effectiveness of these activities will be evaluated. The experience from this activity will be set as exemplar for future similar activities.

Chung Chi The Suns Trip to Nepal

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Chung Chi The Suns

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 19

Project Location: Nepal

Since 2012, CC the Suns has been doing voluntary teaching in different places during each semester. Destinations are mainly unprivileged primary schools in China, and we have visited other poor countries. In the upcoming activity, we set our destination as Nepal. We are going to conduct voluntary teaching at a local primary school. In terms of teaching, we continue to implement "interactive teaching" as our core value. We hope that through lively and inspiring teaching, local students will have a different learning experiences. At the same time, we will take the initiative to connect with local children and encourage them to become partners with each other.

Nepal Medical Service Trip: Project Namtar 3

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 11

Project Location: Nepal

The Nepal Community Health Project (Project Namtar) is one of Medical Outreachers’ long term project. Previous phases of the project identified various health gaps. Medical Outreachers brought about interventions and continuous evaluation targeting the identified issues in previous biannual visits. However, certain health issues are yet to be corrected.

We hope to create behavioral change and give correct concepts about health, so we would introduce a health education curriculum and conduct lessons on relevant topics at 3 local primary schools and 3 secondary schools. To facilitate the use of existing health services, we would organize a health camp to offer free health checks and health promotion talks. To further assess health-needs and correct health misconceptions, we would also participate in household visits. We aim to empower the local community to become self-sufficient. Therefore, we would be participating in trainings for local teachers on our health topics.

Through serving the local community, we also hope our participants can develop a global awareness on health, especially as we are expanding our project this year to a new village, Kalikatar, where our volunteers can reach out to more people living in underdeveloped regions with various health needs.

Pathfinder Cambodia Volunteer Service 2018

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 11

Project Location: Cambodia

This year’s summer project will be carried out in both Sanlong Leab Primary School and Popot Primary School from 24th May to 7th July 2018. Sanlong Leab Primary School is involved in our previous service while the latter is our new target group. For Sanlong Leab Primary School, it is observed that students and their family members have insufficient knowledge towards common diseases. Also, it is found that Popot Primary School has insufficient handwashing stations. Construction of handwashing stations will be provided to the school by the construction team (A) complemented with corresponding topics in health education by the health education team (B).

In order to prevent health education from being one-off and improve its sustainability, we would continue last year’s initiative of long-term health education and intervention in Sanlong Leab. Apart from tracking the progress of the health club that is now operating, we would continue to work with the teachers at Sanlong Leab Primary School. We would also investigate ways to reproduce the results in Popot Primary School and to transfer knowledge to the teachers there with the help of teachers at Sanlong Leab Primary School.

Rural Village Health Enhancement Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 16

Project Location: Cambodia

To improve the overall health status of rural villagers in Takeo province via 1) improvement in water sanitation infrastructure and promotion of better sanitation behaviour; 2) improvement in primary eye health and access to relevant healthcare; 3) improvement in general health awareness through health education and promotion; 4) empower village youth to organize social projects and 5) improvement in nutrition awareness and promotion of better dieting solutions.


  1. WASH education programme and building of sanitation infrastructure

  2. Primary eye care education programme, screening and referral of eye disease cases

  3. General health education and promotion

  4. Empower village youth to organize social projects on health topics

  5. General nutrition education and promotion.

Expected Broader Impacts:

We hope to improve health awareness, access to health, and general wellbeing of rural villagers.

Hygiene is the Key, a Better Sri Lanka to See

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 24

Project Location: Sri Lanka

The 15-day service trip to Galle, Sri Lanka is based on the theme ‘Environmental and Personal Hygiene’.

Due to rapid urbanization, the waste generation and management problems in Galle, Sri Lanka have been worsening. The city generates 50.9 tons of solid waste per day, which is unable to be addressed by the current municipal solid waste management system. Due to the lack of knowledge, Sri Lankans openly dump or burn garbage, which causes harm on both the environment and their health. Some Sri Lankans are found to have health problems like breathing difficulties. We believe that the waste problem should be uprooted by continuous education on proper waste handling methods, including to reuse and recycle wastes. Therefore, we would hold a series of theme-based activities and workshops regarding wastes, environmental friendliness and personal hygiene in the service trip, in the hope of increasing Sri Lankans’ awareness of hygiene and health.

As the second trip of Medical Society’s service project in Galle Sri Lanka, we would build on the past initiatives of humanitarian care to ensure the sustainability of the services, as well as to achieve our new objectives on environmental and personal hygiene.

The activities with the same objectives, formats, and venues as last years are:

  1. First-aid and personal hygiene workshops conducted in local secondary schools

  2. Voluntary teaching in a local primary school for disabled children*

  3. A community health check

The new activities designed this year are:

  1. An environmentally friendly educational workshop in a local secondary school

  2. A visit to a local elder’s home*

  3. A visit to a local orphanage*

  4. A visit to a shelter centre for teenage girls who have been violently or sexually abused

  5. A home visit and needs assessment

Love · Care · Boundaryless

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CUHK students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 15

Project Location: Hong Kong

This is a 3-month pilot project which aims to improve the well-being of asylum seekers in Hong Kong. A weekly Cantonese course will be introduced to 30 refugees for the purpose of enhancing their language capabilities. The team will also organize outing activity to different historic and natural sites in Hong Kong to give them insights into the culture of Hong Kong. Finally, the team plans to hold an exhibition in CUHK campus based upon the issue of asylum seekers.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk
