

Mr. CHENG Kar Shing, Peter

Chairman, Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation

Mr. CHOI Lim Ming, Andrew

Director, Cultural and Creative Ministry, Breakthrough Limited

Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai

Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Mr. Nick HO

Principal, Pui Ching Middle School

Mr. LO Sze Ping

CEO, WWF China

Mr. MOK Wah Sing

Solicitor, Edwin Mok & Co., Solicitor

Dr. Eleanor WONG, JP

Managing Director, TYW Holdings Corporation

Dr. Charles C.K. YEUNG, GBS, JP

Chairman, The Glorious Sun Holdings Ltd

Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement

Professor Edwin CHAN

School of Life Sciences (Co-Chairman)

To be confirmed


Dr. Allan AU

School of Journalism and Communication

Professor Raymond CHAN

University Dean of Students

Professor CHOW Po Chung

Department of Government and Public Administration

Professor Donna CHU

School of Journalism and Communication

Professor Kevin HUNG

Department of Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit

Professor FONG Wing Ping

Head, Chung Chi College

Professor TO Siu Ming

Department of Social Work

Professor WONG Hung

Department of Social Work

Mia LAW.jpg
Miss LAW Yin, Mia

Student Representative

Ms. Irene NG

Director, I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development (Secretary)