Photonic & Optomechanical Nanodevice Laboratory at CUHK
Sun Research Group

Book Chapters

  1. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular Bragg lasers - a promising next-generation on-chip light source for optical communications," in Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics, Bishnu Pal (ed.), Intech, 2010. ISBN: 978-953-7619-82-4. [link to book] [link to chapter]
  2. Michael Shearn, Xiankai Sun, M. David Henry, Amnon Yariv, and Axel Scherer, "Advanced plasma processing: etching, deposition, and wafer bonding techniques for semiconductor applications," in Semiconductor Technologies, Jan Grym (ed.), Intech, 2010. ISBN: 978-953-307-080-3. [link to book] [link to chapter]
  3. Jacob Scheuer and Xiankai Sun, "Radial Bragg resonators," in Photonic Microresonator Research and Applications, Ioannis Chremmos, Otto Schwelb, and Nikolaos Uzunoglu (eds.), Springer, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4419-1743-0. [link to book] [link to chapter]

Journal Papers

  1. Xiankai Sun, Ke Xu, and Hong X. Tang, "Monolithically integrated, ultrahigh-frequency cavity nano-optoelectromechanical system with on-chip germanium waveguide photodetector," Optics Letters 39 (8): 2514-2517, Apr. 2014. [link]
  2. Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, Chi Xiong, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride piezo-acousto-photonic crystal nanocavity with high quality factors," Applied Physics Letters 102 (15): 153507, Apr. 2013. [link]
  3. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Nonlinear optical effects of ultrahigh-Q silicon photonic nanocavities immersed in superfluid helium," Scientific Reports 3: 1436, Mar. 2013. [link]
  4. Chi Xiong, Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "Cavity piezooptomechanics: piezoelectrically excited, optically transduced optomechanical resonators," Applied Physics Letters 102 (2): 021110, Jan. 2013. [link]
  5. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Menno Poot, Chi Xiong, and Hong X. Tang, "A superhigh-frequency optoelectromechanical system based on a slotted photonic crystal cavity," Applied Physics Letters 101 (22): 221116, Nov. 2012. [link]
  6. Jiangjun Zheng*, Xiankai Sun*, Ying Li, Menno Poot, Ali Dadgar, Norman Nan Shi, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, Hong X. Tang, and Chee Wei Wong, "Femtogram dispersive L3-nanobeam optomechanical cavities: design and experimental comparison," Optics Express 20 (24): 26486-26498, Nov. 2012. [featured as cover article] (* equal contribution) [link]
  7. Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, Xiankai Sun, Carsten Schuck, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride as a new material for chip-scale optomechanics and nonlinear optics," New Journal of Physics 14 (9): 095014, Sep. 2012. [included in Focus Issue on Optomechanics] [link]
  8. Xufeng Zhang, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "A 1.16-µm-radius disk cavity in a sunflower-type circular photonic crystal with ultrahigh quality factor," Optics Letters 37 (15): 3195-3197, Aug. 2012. [link]
  9. Xiankai Sun, Jiangjun Zheng, Menno Poot, Chee Wei Wong, and Hong X. Tang, "Femtogram doubly clamped nanomechanical resonators embedded in a high-Q two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity," Nano Letters 12 (5): 2299-2305, May 2012. [link]
  10. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "High-Q silicon optomechanical microdisk resonators at gigahertz frequencies," Applied Physics Letters 100 (17): 173116, Apr. 2012. [selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 25 (20), May 2012] [link]
  11. Chi Xiong, Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "Integrated high frequency aluminum nitride optomechanical resonators," Applied Physics Letters 100 (17): 171111, Apr. 2012. [selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 25 (19), May 2012] [link]
  12. Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz optomechanical resonators with high mechanical Q factor in air," Optics Express 19 (22): 22316-22321, Oct. 2011. [included in Virtual Focus Issue on Collective Phenomena] [link]
  13. Michael Shearn, Kenneth Diest, Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Harry Atwater, Amnon Yariv, and Axel Scherer, "Advanced silicon processing for active planar photonic devices," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27 (6): 3180-3182, Nov./Dec. 2009. [link]
  14. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings. III: gain saturation effects and above-threshold analysis," Optics Express 17 (12): 10119-10125, Jun. 2009. [link]
  15. Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Michael J. Shearn, Kenneth A. Diest, Alireza Ghaffari, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Electrically pumped hybrid evanescent Si/InGaAsP lasers," Optics Letters 34 (9): 1345-1347, May 2009. [link]
  16. Xiankai Sun, Hsi-Chun Liu, and Amnon Yariv, "Adiabaticity criterion and the shortest adiabatic mode transformer in a coupled-waveguide system," Optics Letters 34 (3): 280-282, Feb. 2009. [link]
  17. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings. II: nonuniform pumping and far-field patterns," Optics Express 17 (1): 1-6, Jan. 2009. [link]
  18. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings: a unified theory and comparative study," Optics Express 16 (12): 9155-9164, Jun. 2008. [selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 7 (8), Aug. 2008] [link]
  19. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Engineering supermode silicon/III-V hybrid waveguides for laser oscillation," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25 (6): 923-926, Jun. 2008. [link]
  20. Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Room temperature continuous wave operation of single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Express 16 (2): 502-506, Jan. 2008. [link]
  21. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Modal properties and modal control in vertically emitting annular Bragg lasers," Optics Express 15 (25): 17323-17333, Dec. 2007. [included in Virtual Focus Issue on Physics and Applications of Microresonators] [link]
  22. Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Spatial modal control of two dimensional photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Letters 32 (16): 2273-2275, Aug. 2007. [link]
  23. Amnon Yariv and Xiankai Sun, "Supermode Si/III-V hybrid lasers, optical amplifiers and modulators: a proposal and analysis," Optics Express 15 (15): 9147-9151, Jul. 2007. [link]
  24. Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Continuous-wave operation of electrically-pumped, single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal lasers," Applied Physics Letters 90 (26): 261116, Jun. 2007. [link]
  25. Xiankai Sun, Jacob Scheuer, and Amnon Yariv, "Optimal design and reduced threshold in vertically emitting circular Bragg disk resonator lasers," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 (2): 359-366, Mar./Apr. 2007. [link]
  26. Meng Xiang-dong, Lin Bi-xia, Hong Liang, Zhu Jun-jie, Sun Xian-kai, Xu Jin, and Fu Zhu-xi, "Photoluminescence properties for ZnO films grown by two-step CVD," Chinese Journal of Luminescence 27 (5): 792-796, Oct. 2006.
  27. Fu Zhuxi, Sun Xiankai, Zhu Junjie, and Lin Bixia, "Effect of lattice mismatch on luminescence of ZnO/Si hetero-structure," Journal of Semiconductors 27 (2): 239-244, Feb. 2006. [link]
  28. Sun Xian-Kai, Lin Bi-Xia, Zhu Jun-Jie, Zhang Yang, and Fu Zhu-Xi, "Studies on the strain and its effect on defects in heteroepitaxial ZnO films prepared by LP-MOCVD method," Acta Physica Sinica 54 (6): 2899-2903, Jun. 2005. [link]
  29. Junjie Zhu, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, Ran Yao, Chaoshu Shi, and Zhuxi Fu, "Heteroepitaxy of ZnO film on Si (111) substrate using a 3C-SiC buffer layer," Thin Solid Films 478 (1-2): 218-222, May 2005. [link]
  30. Yang Zhang, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, and Zhuxi Fu, "Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of nanocrystalline ZnO thin films grown on Si (100) substrates by the sol-gel process," Applied Physics Letters 86 (13): 131910, Mar. 2005. [link]
  31. Zhu Jun-jie, Lin Bi-xia, Sun Xian-kai, Zheng Hai-wu, Yao Ran, and Fu Zhu-xi, "Studies of the heteroepitaxial SiC films on the Si substrates," Journal of Synthetic Crystals 33 (4): 545-548, Aug. 2004.

Conference Papers

  1. Xiankai Sun and Hong X. Tang, "High-frequency nano-optomechanics: an exploration at the boundary between photonics, mechanics, and microwaves," SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, Aug. 2013. [invited]
  2. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Nonlinear optical effects of ultrahigh-Q wavelength-sized silicon disk cavities immersed in superfluid helium," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
  3. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Menno Poot, Chi Xiong, and Hong X. Tang, "A superhigh-frequency optoelectromechanical system based on a slotted photonic crystal cavity," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
  4. Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, Chi Xiong, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride piezo-optomechanical nanobeam cavity," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
  5. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "Optomechanical transduction of nanocantilevers by high-Q bandedge states of a dispersion-engineered photonic crystal waveguide," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
  6. Xufeng Zhang, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "A 1.16-µm-radius disk cavity embedded in a sunflower-type circular photonic crystal with ultrahigh Q," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
  7. Jiangjun Zheng, Xiankai Sun, Menno Poot, Ying Li, Ali Dadgar, Hong X. Tang, and Chee Wei Wong, "Dispersive coupling and optimization of femtogram L3-nanobeam optomechanical cavities," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
  8. Chi Xiong, Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz aluminum nitride optomechanical wheel resonators," 2012 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2012. [link]
  9. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "Wavelength-sized optomechanical disk resonator embedded in a sunflower circular photonic crystal," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [postdeadline] [link]
  10. Xiankai Sun, Jiangjun Zheng, Menno Poot, Chee Wei Wong, and Hong X. Tang, "Femtogram doubly-clamped nanomechanical resonator embedded in a high-Q two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [link]
  11. Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, King Y. Fong, Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz optomechanical wheel and disk resonators with high mechanical Q factors in air," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [link]
  12. Xiankai Sun, Michael J. Shearn, Avi Zadok, Marina S. Leite, Scott T. Steger, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Electrically pumped supermode Si/InGaAsP hybrid lasers," CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2010. [link]
  13. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Above-threshold analysis of large-area, high-power, vertically-emitting circular Bragg lasers," Frontiers in Optics 2009, San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2009. [link]
  14. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "A comparative study of modal properties of surface-emitting circular Bragg micro-lasers," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2009. [link]
  15. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Supermode control in integrated hybrid Si/III-V optoelectronic circuits for modal gain enhancement," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2009. [link]
  16. Xiankai Sun, Hsi-Chun Liu, and Amnon Yariv, "How short can an adiabatic mode transformer be in a coupled waveguide system?" CLEO/IQEC 2009, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2009. [link]
  17. Michael Shearn, Kenneth Diest, Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Amnon Yariv, Axel Scherer, "Advanced silicon processing for active integrated photonic devices," EIPBN 2009, Marco Island, FL, USA, May 2009.
  18. Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Michael J. Shearn, Kenneth A. Diest, Alireza Ghaffari, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Hybrid electrically pumped evanescent Si/InGaAsP lasers," OFC/NFOEC 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2009. [link]
  19. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "A unified theory for surface emitting chirped circular grating lasers," SPIE Photonics West 2009, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2009. [link]
  20. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Engineering surface-emitting annular Bragg lasers for single-mode, high-efficiency, high-power applications," LEOS Annual Meeting 2008, Newport Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 2008. [link]
  21. Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Designing large-area, high-efficiency, single-defect-mode vertically-emitting annular Bragg lasers," Frontiers in Optics 2008, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2008. [link]
  22. Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Room temperature continuous wave operation of single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," CLEO/QELS 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008. [link]
  23. Xiankai Sun, Jacob Scheuer, and Amnon Yariv, "Optimal design of vertically emitting circular Bragg disk resonator lasers," SPIE Photonics West 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2008. [link]
  24. Zhuxi Fu, Junjie Zhu, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, and Ran Yao, "Preparation and characterization of ZnO film on Si(111) substrate with SiC buffer layer deposited by MOCVD," Proceedings - Electrochemical Society, 4: 443-448, 2005.


  1. Xiankai Sun, "Supermode Si/III-V lasers and circular Bragg lasers," Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology, Apr. 2010. [link]
  2. Xiankai Sun, "Studies on the strain and optical properties of heteroepitaxial ZnO films prepared by low-pressure MOCVD," Bachelor thesis, University of Science and Technology of China, Jun. 2004.


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Last updated: 16 Apr 2020