Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - HO Joyce (Prof. J. B. Xu, Prof. H. P. Ho)

EE undergraduate summer project contributing to research activities in Scanning Probe Microscopy

Ms Joyce Ho, a Year 2 student who participated in the faculty-wide Student Enrichment Scheme, has done a great job in building a micro-processor based controller for STM tip fabrication.
She spent her summer in EE department to design a controller circuit that can perform accurate etching of a tungsten wire until the dimension of the tip is close to atomic scale. This tip is a vital piece of component in our STM (scanning tunneling microscope). Her supervisors, Prof. J.B.Xu and Prof. Aaron Ho, noted that this equipment has helped tremendously in their research activities as they routinely use STM for characterizing their electronic materials.

Well Done!
