Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - ELEG5600 - Advanced Perception for Intelligent Robotics

Objective & Syllabus
This course introduces the advanced topics in perception for intelligent robotics. It covers fundamental concepts and techniques of machine vision, robotic image and video processing, sensor fusion for semantic mapping and exploration, pattern recognition, learning and deep neural networks, robotic scenario intelligence, perception and anticipation of human behaviors, and advanced robotic trajectory and task planning. Case studies of successful medical and service robotics are discussed. In the course project, students are required to propose, design and implement a robotic system with intelligent perception to map and explore dynamic environment and interact with human subjects.

Learning Outcome
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    1. explain the roles of hardware and software in an intelligent robotic system;
    2. explain the building elements of a modern intelligent robotic system;
    3. apply advanced algorithms to navigate robots in dynamic environment and to carry out robotic interactions with human subjects;
    4. perform experiment studies on intelligent robot hardware and software;
    5. design and implement a robotic system for intelligent mapping and exploration of dynamic environment and interaction with human subjects.


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