Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - CHEN Zhenzhong (Prof. K. N. Ngan)

Zhenzhong Chen, a PhD Student from the Visual Signal Processing and Communications Lab, has won the prestigious Microsoft Fellowship award which carries a US$6000 scholarship and an internship at the Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) in Beijing. Microsoft Fellows are selected from the very best of PhD students in the 50+ top universities in Asia after a competitive process. Winning this means not only 6,000 USD scholarship, but honor and recognition. The scholarship will be awarded at a ceremony during the MSRA Faculty Summit in Beijing later in the year(2005).

This is the second time our department has received the prestigious Microsoft Fellowship Award. In 2003, Qian Yao of the DSP Lab was the recipient of the Award.

Congratulations, Zhenzhong!

Zhenzhong Chen receives the coveted Microsoft Fellowship award from Microsoft Senior Vice-President (Research), Dr Rick Rashid on 4th Nov, 2005:
