Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Cheng Zhenzhou (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

At the annual conference of the Hong Kong Institution of Science held at University of Hong Kong on 23 November 2013, Dr Cheng Zhenzhou won the top prize in the HKIS young scientist award in the category of Engineering Science, and received a cash prize of HK$10,000 sponsored by Hong Kong Town gas. Dr Cheng Zhenzhou carried out his research as a PhD student in(Prof. Tsang's lab) with financial support from an RGC PhD fellowship and is now a postdoctoral fellow at CUHK. He was selected from a highly competitive field of 31 top scientists, including Prof. Chen Shuming who received an honorable mention and the $5000 runner's up prize. Dr Cheng's research was on silicon suspended membrane waveguides for mid-infrared photonics and his results on sub-wavelength grating couplers and graphene on silicon mid-infrared waveguide photodetectors was judged as one of the best examples of research in Hong Kong in Engineering Science.
