Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Lau Ming Wai (Prof. K.N. Leung)

Lau Ming Wai Laura won the Best Paper Award in the special session (Women in Engineering) in TENCON 2015.

TENCON is a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, also referred as the Asia Pacific Region, one of the largest regional organizations of the IEEE.

There are a number of submissions to the special session of Women in Engineering in TENCON this year. Based on the paper quality, only three candidatures were selected to give presentations in the special session for the Best Paper Award. The candidatures include an assistant professor at PESCE, Mandya, a professor at LBS College of Engineering, and Lau Ming Wai Laura (final-year undergraduate student in Electronic Engineering in CUHK).

Laura performed excellent in both presentation and Q&A parts and finally won the Best Paper Award.

