Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2012-2013


Research Committee Group Research Scheme in 2012-2013

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. C. T. Shu Optical Signal Processing Technologies Based on Cascaded Four-wave Mixing (Direct Grant) $61,550
Prof. Emma MacPherson Terahertz Computed Tomography (Direct Grant) $150,000
Prof. N. Zhao Layered Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells Based on Water-dispersible Semiconductor Quantum Dots (Direct Grant) $61,550
Prof. P. T. Yung High-throughput Collection, Transport, Cultivation, Detection and Archive of Bioaerosols Using Surface Acoustic Wave (Direct Grant) $61,550
Prof. W. K. Ma Interference Coordination in Multicell MIMO Systems (Direct Grant) $61,550