Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2013
Name Details

Dr. Wang Xiaomu (Prof. J.B. Xu)

Dr. Xiaomu WANG has been awarded the Dean's Outstanding Thesis Award 2012 on PhD thesis titled: Graphene Interface Engineering: Surface/Substrate Modifications cum Metal Contact Exploration Prof. J.B XU in EE Dept was Dr. Wang's supervisor on the...View more

Cheng Zhenzhou (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

At the annual conference of the Hong Kong Institution of Science held at University of Hong Kong on 23 November 2013, Dr Cheng Zhenzhou won the top prize in the HKIS young scientist award in the category of Engineering Science, and received a cash prize...View more

Li Linkai

Mr. Linkai (EE undergraduate) and Mr. Wang Zeng Yue (MAE undergraduate) won the 2nd prize (undergraduate teams) at the 13th National Challenge Cup for the project of “Battery-less Wireless Keyboard”. Congratulations!View more

Cheng Zhenzhou (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

Dr. Zhenzhou CHENG (supervisor: Prof. Hon Ki TSANG) is selected as one of the two finalists for Young Scientist Awards in Engineering Science Panel, by Hong Kong Institution of Science. Details of the Annual Conference can be found at www.science.org.hk...View more

Melisa Junata, Su Shang Yen, Ling Yan To, Sheng Ruoyu

The CUHK genetic engineering team formed by 14 undergraduate students of science and engineering has won a silver medal at theiGEM (international Genetic Engineered Machine) Asia Regional Jamboree. They also won the Best New BioBrick Part or Device...View more

Wong Wing Sze (Prof. P. T. Yung)

Wong Wing Sze, Wong (Ph.D. student in BME) won the certificate of merit in the IEEE EMBS Hong Kong – Macau Joint Chapter Student Paper Competition 2013 (project title: Effects of thickness and surface treatments on the bonding strength in PDMS-PDMS...View more

Yuan Yixuan (Prof. Q. H. Meng)

Prof. MENG Qing Hu and YUAN Yixuan (PhD student admitted to the Department of Electronic Engineering in 2012 with a successful HKPFS award) won the Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award in Mechatronics at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics...View more

Xu Ke (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

XU Ke has won the 2013 IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) Graduate Student Fellowship, which is given to 10 most outstanding Ph.D students in the IPS. The fellowship consists of an award of a $1000.00 honorarium and the recipients will be attending the...View more

Cheong Hio Teng (Prof. P. T. Yung, Prof. C. H. Wong)

Cheong Hio Teng (Junior research assistant in BME) won the first runner-up in the Student Paper Competition in the 9th IEEE-EMBS International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (Manipulation and detection of cancer tissues on...View more

Cheng Zhenzhong (Prof. K. N. Ngan)

Mr. CHEN Zhenhong, EE PhD graduate of 2007 (supervisor: Prof. Ngan King Ngi), recently received the CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Awards. His thesis title is: Rate Distortion Analysis, Optimization, and Control in Video Coding Congratulations!View more

Lee Yin Tung, Sebastian (Prof. P. T. Yung)

Lee Yin Tung, Sebastian (M.Phil student in BME) won the second runner-up in the Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC) Outstanding Engineering Project Awards (project title: Biotextiles | superviser: Douglas Yung) Congratulations!View more

Xu Ke, Feng Cong, Wang Jiaole, Zheng Minhua (Prof. H. K.Tsang, Prof. Q. H.Meng)

Mr. XU Ke, Mr. FENG Cong, Mr. WANG Jiaole and Ms. ZHENG Minhua, PhD students of the Department of Electronic Engineering, have been selected to receive an award under the Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence for 2013-14. The award is to...View more

Chao Tak Lon, Ho Wan Long

Two EE undergraduate students won the Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2013 organized by CINTEC recently: ChampionCHAO Tak Lon (Electronic Engineering) and LEONG Hou Wang (Mechanical and Automation Engineering)Project: Virtual Reality...View more
