Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2009-2010

Industrial Grants in 2009-2010

Project Co-odinator(s) Project Title Amount
Prof. Alex K. N. Leung Power-Management Circuit for Passive UHF RFID Tag $999,545
Prof. H. K. Tsang Low-cost Linear Optical Modulator for Multiservice Wireless Networks Distribution $999,999
Prof. K. L. Wu RFID Traceability for Risk Management in Hospital $9,867,700
Prof. K. P. Pun Research and Development of High Precision Analog to Digital Converters for Biomedical Applications $4,174,500
Prof. K.T. Chan Novel Widely-tunable Femtosecond Fiber Laser Technology for Autofluorescence Imaging in Endoscopic Applications $1,000,000
Prof. William S.Y. Wang An Assistive Communication brain-Computer Interface for Traditional Chinese Character Input: the P300 Chinese Speller $999,557
Prof. Y. T. Zhang A Novel Wearable Multifunction Prosthetic Control System $1,398,676