Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - ELEG5523 - Fiber Lasers

This is an introductory graduate level course on advanced fiber lasers. It will describe the theoretical principles and modelling of different types of fiber lasers including both passively and actively mode-locked fiber lasers, high power fiber lasers, supercontinuum generation and optical frequency comb generation. The course will include sufficient theory of nonlinear optical phenomena and optical dispersion to enable students to understand the basic principles of parametric gain, ultrashort pulse generation and optical frequency comb generation in fiber lasers. The course will also include a discussion on advanced measurement techniques to characterize ultrashort optical pulses. The applications of different types of fiber lasers will be discussed. Recent developments and future prospects of different fiber lasers will be reviewed.

This is an introductory graduate level course on advanced fiber lasers. It will describe the theoretical principles and modelling of different types of fiber lasers including both passively and actively mode-locked fiber lasers, high power fiber lasers, supercontinuum generation and optical frequency comb generation. The course will include sufficient theory of nonlinear optical phenomena and optical dispersion to enable students to understand the basic principles of parametric gain, ultrashort pulse generation and optical frequency comb generation in fiber lasers. The course will also include a discussion on advanced measurement techniques to characterize ultrashort optical pulses. The applications of different types of fiber lasers will be discussed. Recent developments and future prospects of different fiber lasers will be reviewed.

Learning Outcome
By the end of this course students will have gained the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the different types of fiber lasers and their applications
  • Be able to design a mode-locked optical fiber laser for femtosecond optical pulse generation
  • Be able to characterize the output from an ultrafast optical fiber laser
  • Know some of the most recent developments in optical fiber lasers


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