Professor BA(Cambridge), MA(Cambridge), Ph.D.(Cambridge), FIEEE, FOSA, C.Eng., MIET, MHKIE |
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Research Interests: Silicon Photonics; Optical interconnects, Integrated Optical modulators and receivers for advanced optical formats, Integrated Quantum Photonics; Mid-infrared integrated photonics, nonlinear waveguide devices. |
Research Highlights |

Resume of Career
Hon Ki Tsang studied Engineering (Electrical and Information Sciences) at Cambridge University and received the B.A. (Hons) in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1991 from the University of Cambridge. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bath, he joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1993 as a lecturer, becoming substantiated as an Associate Professor in 1996. In 2002-03 he worked at Bookham Technology. He returned to CUHK and was promoted to Professor in 2003. He served as Chairman of the Department of Electronic Engineering from 2010-2016. He is currently Director of the Center for Advanced Research in Photonics.
He was Chairman of the Hong Kong Chapter of IEEE Lasers and Electrooptics Society (now IEEE Photonics Society) and he was Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter between 2012-2014. He is the current Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.
Research Interests
Prof. Tsang’s research is related to silicon photonics and high speed optical interconnects. His research group’s current research interests include the design and fabrication of subwavelength gratings for applications in mode division multiplexed high speed optical interconnects, the development of silicon photonic integrated circuits for energy efficient coherent optical modulators and receivers, integrated quantum technologies (including quantum communications, quantum metrology and quantum computing), integration of monolayer (or few layer) 2D materials (graphene/MoS2) for photonic devices, generation of entangled photon pairs for quantum applications (quantum metrology, communications and computing), and mid-infrared sub-wavelength waveguide structures.
Keywords: Silicon photonics; optical interconnects; silicon modulators, optical receivers, subwavelength gratings and hybrid silicon lasers; nanophotonics; Hybrid integration of 2D materials on silicon photonics; Ultrafast optical nonlinearities in semiconductors;mid-infrared silicon photonics; reliability of silicon photonics; hyperuniform disordered nanophotonics; plasmonic modulators.
Highlights of Recent Achievements
- First measurements of two photon absorption in silicon waveguides in 2001 and GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides near the half bandgap in 1991
- 2001:First measurements of nonlinear refraction in silicon waveguides
- 2004: First demonstration of a high net gain integrated Raman amplifier in silicon
- 2008: First demonstration of subwavelength gratings for waveguide grating couplers
- 2010: Demonstration of highly efficient apodized grating couplers
- 2011-12: Demonstration of broadband grating couplers using subwavelength gratings
- 2013-14: First experimental studies of spectral hole burning in graphene on silicon
- 2013: First mid-infrared graphene on silicon waveguide photodetector
- 2016: Demonstration of >100Gb/s per wavelength using silicon microring modulator
- 2017: First fully-suspended silicon slot waveguide for gas sensing
Taught Courses
- ENGG1100 Introduction to Engineering Design
- ENGG1310 Engineering Physics: Electromagnetics, Optics and Modern Physics
- ENGG3802 Introduction to Engineering Entrepreneurship
- ELEG4302 Microoptics
- ELEG5301 Photonic Integrated Circuits
- ELEG5755 Optical Communications and Interconnects
External Service
- Editor-in-Chief IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 2017-20
- Editor in Chief of IEEE Photonics News 2012-14
- Associate Editor Photonics Research 2015-17
- Editor Microsystems and Nanoengineering 2015-2017
- Disciplinary Tribunal Panel (Electricity Ordinance Chapter 406)
Selected Publications (updated July 2017)
- Wen Zhou, Zhenzhou Cheng, Xinru Wu, Bingqing Zhu, Xiankai Sun, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Fully suspended slot waveguides for high refractive index sensitivity," Opt. Lett., 42, 1245-1248 2017.
- X.R.Ding, Y.T. Zhang, J. Liu, W.X. Dai, H.K. Tsang, "Continuous Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation Using Pulse Transit Time and Photoplethysmogram Intensity Ratio," IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, 63, pp.964-972, 2016.
- X. Wu, C. Huang, C. T. Shu and H. K. Tsang, “128-Gb/s Line Rate OFDM Signal Modulation Using an Integrated Silicon Microring Modulator,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 28, pp.2058-2061, 2016.
- W. Zhou, Z.Cheng, B.Q.Zhu, X.K. Sun and H.K. Tsang: "Hyperuniform Disordered Network Polarizers" IEEE J. Sel. Top, Quantum Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2016.2528125, 2016.
- B. Zhu and H. K. Tsang: "High coupling efficiency silicon waveguide to metal-insulator-metal waveguide mode converter," Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 2467-2472, 2016.
- L. Liu, K. Xu, X. Wan, J. Xu, C.Y. Wong, H.K. Tsang, "Enhanced optical Kerr nonlinearity of MoS 2 on silicon waveguides," Photonics Research 3 (5), 206-209 2015.
- Z. Cheng, H.K.Tsang, X. Wang, K. Xu, and J.B. Xu "In-Plane Optical Absorption and Free Carrier Absorption in Graphene-on-Silicon Waveguides," IEEE J. Sel Top. Quant. Electron. 20, 43-48, 2014.
- Z.Z. Cheng, Z. Li, K. Xu and H.K.Tsang, "Increase of the grating coupler bandwidth with a graphene overlay," Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 111109, 2014.
- X. Wang, Z. Cheng, K.Xu, H.K. Tsang and J.B. Xu, “High Responsivity Graphene/Silicon Heterostructure Waveguide Photodetectors,” Nature Photonics 7, 888-891, 2013.
- K.Xu, L.G. Yang, J.Y. Sung, Y.M.Chen, Z. Cheng, C.W. Chow, C.H.Yeh and H.K.Tsang, “Compatibility of Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulators for Advanced Modulation Formats,” J. Lightwave Technology 31, 255-2554, 2013.