Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2004-2005

RGC Earmarked Grants received by Faculty Members in 2004-2005

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. C. F. Chan Adiabatic Smart Card $433,067
Prof. C. T. Shu New Approaches for Ultrafast Processing of Photonic Signals Using Fiber Kerr Non-linearity $851,448
Prof. H. P. Ho High Sensitivity Sensors for Biomedical Applications $624,443
Prof. K. K. Cheng A Novel Approach to High Efficiency RF Power Amplifier Design for Wireless Applications $390,651
Prof. K. N. Ngan Video Segmentation for Content-based Encoding $337,631
Prof. P. C. Ching Fusing of Complementary Features for Chinese Speaker Verification $350,074
Prof. Q. H. Meng Development of a Wireless Robotic Capsule Endoscopy with External Guidance $662,537
Prof. T. Lee Prosody Analysis and Modeling for Cantonese Natural Speech Synthesis $496,329