Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2004
Name Details

TANG Wing Wah (Prof. C. T. Shu)

Tang Wing Wah (postgraduate student at the Optoelectronics Laboratory) was awarded the Third Prize (2nd runner up) of the IEEE LEOs (HK) Postgraduate Conference Paper Award, held on Nov 27, 2004 at HKUST.View more

WANG Yang (Prof. K. P. Pun)

中 大 生 常 識 勝 清 華 北 大 ( 居 中 者 即 為 電 子 工 程 系 四 年 級 同 學 汪 洋 ) ( 星 島 日 報 27 Oct. 2004 報 道 )中 文 大 學 六 名 學 生 本 月 中 在 北 京 的 「 第 三 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 知 識 大 賽 」 , 擊 敗 北 大 、 清 華 等 名 校 勇 奪 二 等 獎 。 該 比 賽 集 合 了 二 十 一 隊 中 國 、 香 港 、 澳 門 和 台 灣 的 大 學 精 英 , 中 大 的 代 表 經 過 初 賽 、 複...View more

CHAN Wai Nang (Prof. T. Lee)

CUHK Engineering Students Win Regional Championship in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 Competition. Content:A student team from the CUHK Faculty of Engineering has won the Hong Kong Regional Championship in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 Competition. The...View more

WONG Fred (Prof. K. K. Cheng)

Wong Fai Leung (postgraduate student at the Microwave & Wireless Communication Laboratory) was awarded 1st Runner-Up in the Advance Program of the 5th IEEE (HK/Macau) AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference held at the University of Macau. Paper Title: Novel...View more

LIANG Tak Keung (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

Liang Tak Keung, a home grown PhD graduate of our department, won the Outstanding Thesis Award 2004 of the Faculty of Engineering. His thesis title is: "Silicon Planar Lightwave Circuits: Raman Amplification and Polarization Processing" Under the...View more

WONG Fai Leung (Prof. K. K. Cheng)

Wong Fai Leung (postgraduate student at the Microwave and Wireless Communication Laboratory) was awarded "Third Prize" in the IEEE Hong Kong Section 2004 (PG) Student Paper Contest. There will be a prize presentation ceremony in March 2005. The ceremony...View more
