Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2010-2011

Industrial Grants in 2010-2011

Project Co-odinator(s) Project Title Amount
Prof. H. P. Ho Development of High-speed SPR Micro-array Immunoassay Instrumentation and Its Technology Platform for the Industry $1,499,531
Prof. H.K. Tsang Hybrid Silicon Waveguide Lasers $1,000,000
Prof. K.N. Leung High-efficiency SIMO Power Converter for SoC, $991,093
Prof. P. T. Yung Automated and Continuous Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Air Pollutants $945,573
Prof. Q.H. Meng Hybrid Actuation Mechanism for Active Wireless Capsule Endoscope $998,200