Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Fu Xiao (Prof. W. K. Ma)

Xiao Fu won an ICASSP2014 Best Paper Award

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Xiao Fu (center), a Ph.D. student supervised by Professor Wing-Kin Ma (left) and by Professor Nikos Sidiropoulos (right) during his overseas exchange in the University of Minnesota, received a 3rd Prize of the ICASSP 2014 Best Student Paper Award. ICASSP is the largest and most prestigious conference in signal processing. The paper is titled "Blind Spectra Separation and Direction Finding for Cognitive Radio Using Temporal Correlation-domain ESPRIT."

EE CUHK offers students great exchange opportunities. In fact, the research work leading to the awarded paper was carried out during Xiao's overseas exchange in the University of Minnesota.

Prof. Wing-Kin Ma (EE) and Prof. Man-Cho So (SEEM) gave a tutorial in ICASSP 2014

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Professor Wing-Kin Ma (left), together with Professor Anthony Man-Cho So at the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (right), gave a tutorial in ICASSP 2014. The tutorial, titled "Semidefinite Relaxation: From Theory to Applications to Latest Advances," describes a very powerful class of methods in signal processing - namely, semidefinite relaxation - which finds numerous applications and has significant impacts on key research topics such as MIMO detection, transmit beamforming and interference management, and sensor network localization.
