Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Cheng Zhenzhou (Prof. H. K. Tsang)

CHENG Zhenzhou, under supervision of Prof. TSANG Hon Ki, has been selected for the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2013. The award is nominated annually by each Faculty to recognize research postgraduate students with commendable research achievements during their studies. It consists of a plaque and a cash prize of HK$25,000. The award will be presented to Zhenzhou at the 76th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on November 20, 2014.
Project Title:
Graphene-on-Silicon Suspended Membrane Platform for Mid-Infrared Photonics Applications
Mid-infrared integrated photonics has many positional applications in spectroscopy, biochemical sensing, and communications. However, it is a difficult spectral region to operate in because of lacking of light source, room temperature photodetector and suitable integrated platform. Zhenzhou Cheng demonstrated for the first time that commercial available SOI wafer can be modified to be used in mid-infrared applications. By integrated graphene on top, the graphene-on-silicon suspended membrane waveguide is very promising to fabricate mid-infrared active device. And a high responsivity, room temperature, graphene-on-silicon waveguide photodetector was demonstrated together with another postdoctoral fellow in EE department.
From 2012 to 2013, Zhenzhou Cheng has published (or been accepted) six first author journal papers in Nature Photonics (equally contribution with a postdoctoral fellow), Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, and IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Photonics Journal and several conference papers.
