Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2017-2018


RGC General Research Fund in 2017-2018

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. Blu Thierry Image Restoration from Binary Data Acquisition $495,846
Prof. Leung Ka Nang, Alex Dual-Inductor Multiple-Output Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters with Enhanced Attenuation of Self- and Cross-regulations $600,000
Prof. Li Hongsheng Joint multi-object detection and tracking in videos with deep neural networks $600,000
Prof. Ma Wing Kin, Ken Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization using Stochastic Maximum-Likelihood and with Applications in Signal Processing and Machine Learning $600,000
Prof. Emma MacPherson Novel TIR device for fast in vivo THz imaging $600,000
Prof. Meng Qing Hu, Max Compensation strategy and associated technologies for surgical tracking system in robot assisted surgery $875,000
Prof. Shu Ching Tat, Chester Widely spaced optical frequency combs: generation, characterization, and applications $600,000
Prof. Sun, Xiankai Experimental investigation of nanoscale PT-symmetric acoustics with cavity optomechanical systems $600,000
Prof. Tsang Hon Ki Ultra-high Q Silicon Micro-resonators for Integrated Quantum Photonics $875,000
Prof. Wang Xiaogang Visual Representation Learning and Concept Modeling through Intelligent Question Answering $700,000
Prof. Wong Ching Ping Material and Interface Engineering for High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells with Long-Term Stability $600,000
Prof. Wu Ke-li Self-curing Decoupling Technique for Collocated Antennas with Reactive Loads $583,333