Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2014-2015

Industrial Grants in 2014-2015

Project Co-odinator(s) Project Title Amount
Prof. H. K. Tsang Integrated Silicon Photonics for >200Gb/s Metro Optical Networks $1,399,490
Prof. H. P. Ho Development of Nanophotonic Enabling Technology for Advanced Display and Imaging Devices $670,404
Prof. J. B. Xu Large Area and Low Cost Two-Dimensional Materials Synthesized for High Performance Optoelectronic Applications $1,400,000
Prof. K. L. Wu Development of Integrated Decoupling Network Chip Module for 4G-LTE Smart Phones with Multiple Antennas $1,395,672
Prof. N. Zhao Low-power Tattoo-like Photoplethysmpgram Sensor for Health Monitoring $1,265,600
Prof. T. Lee Development of Computer-based Tools for Clinical Assessment of Speech, Hearing and Language Disabilities $1,384,600