Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - ELEG5280 - Analog-Digital ASIC Design

The course is about the design of analog-digital mixed-signal integrated ICs. Technology consideration is first discussed. Emphasis of this course is on the design of continuous-time filter, switched-capacitor filter, digital/analog and analog/digital converters. A hands-on design project is required in the course.

Students are advised to have taken ERG2030, ELE2510 and ELE3210 before taking this course.


  • Continuous-time filters
  • Switched-capacitor filters
  • Nyquist-rate D/A converters
  • Nyquist-rate A/D converters
  • Over-sampled A/D converters

Learning Outcome
After the completion of this course, students are expected to be able to

  • Design an integrated filter for various applications
  • Design an integrated data converter for various applications


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