Professor Ph.D. (University of Victoria, Canada), M.Sc. (Beijing Institute of Technology, China), FIEEE, FCAE |
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Research Interests: Surgical robotics and medical devices, medical image based automatic diagnosis, information-enabled devices and systems, intelligent robotic system, sensors and information fusion, and related medical and industrial applications |
Research Highlights |
Resume of Career
Having held the positions of assistant professor (1994), associate professor (1998) and full professor (2000) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta in Canada from 1994 to 2004, Professor Meng has been a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2002. Professor Meng received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria in Canada in 1992, following his M.Sc. degree in Automatic Control at Beijing Institute of Technology in 1988. Professor Meng is a Fellow of IEEE.
Current Research Interests
Surgical robotics and medical devices, medical image based automatic diagnosis, information-enabled devices and systems, intelligent robotic system, sensors and information fusion, and related medical and industrial applications
Highlights of Recent Achievements
- Professor Meng's research group is among the first in research and development of active wireless capsule endoscopy and the related image-based automatic diagnosis.
- Professor Meng's research group won the best paper awards and best student paper awards at several international events including IEEE Robio, IEEE ICIA, and IEEE ICMA conferences.
- Professor Meng's research group members have been offered faculty positions at leading international and national universities.
- Professor Meng's research group has three Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme recipients.
Taught Courses
- Biomedical Modeling
- Medical Robotics
- Artificial Organs and Prosthetics
Honors and Awards
- Professor Meng is a Fellow of IEEE for his contributions to medical robotics.
External Service
- AdCom member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.
- Member of the Hong Kong RGC Engineering Panel.
- Member of Editorial Board of several International Journals.
- Member of Organizing Committees of many international conferences
Selected Publications for the Past 3 Years
Q. He, C. Hu, W. Liu, N. Wei, M. Q.-H. Meng, L. Liu, and C. Wang, 'Simple 3-D point reconstruction methods with accuracy prediction for multiocular system,' IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 366-375, Feb. 2013.
B. Li and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Automatic polyp detection for wireless capsule endoscopy images,' Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 10952-10958, Sep. 2012.
S. X. Yang, A. Zhu, G. Yuan, and M. Q,-H. Meng, 'A bioinspired neurodynamics-based approach to tracking control of mobile robots,' IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 8. pp. 3211-3220, Aug. 2012.
B. Li and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Comparison of several texture features for tumor detection in CE images,' Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 2463-2469, Aug. 2012.
C. Hu, S. Song, X. Wang, M. Q.-H. Meng, and B. Li, 'A novel positioning and orientation system based on three-axis magnetic coils,' IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 2211-2219, Jul. 2012.
Q. He, C. Hu, N. Wei, W. Liu, G. Wang, and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Weighted method for 3D-point reconstruction in multi-vision system,' Sensor Letters, vol. 10, no. 5-6, pp. 1308-1313, May 2012.
R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Hu, M. Q.-H. Meng, and Q. He, 'Asynchronous H∞ filtering for a class of two-dimensional Markov jump systems,' IET Control Theory and Applications, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 979-984, May 2012.
B. Li and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Tumor recognition in wireless capsule endoscopy images using textural features and SVM-based feature selection,' IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 323-329, May 2012.
J. Yang, R. Gao, M. Q.-H. Meng, and T.-J. Tarn, 'Colored petri nets to model gene mutation and amino acids classification,' Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 300, pp. 183-192, May 2012.
B. Li and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Wireless capsule endoscopy images enhancement via adaptive contrast diffusion,' Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 222-228, Jan. 2012.
H. Ren and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Investigation of the essentials for integrating off-the-shelf industrial robotics in precise computer-assisted surgery,' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1113-1123, Dec. 2011.
B. Li and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Contourlet-based features for computerized tumor detection in capsule endoscopy images,' Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2891-2899, Dec. 2011.
B. Li, M. Q.-H. Meng, and J. Y. W. Lau, 'Computer-aided small bowel tumor detection for capsule endoscopy,' Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 11-16, May 2011.
R. Zhou, Q. He, J. Wu, C. Hu, and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Inner and outer eye corners detection for facial features extraction based on CTGF algorithm,' Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 58-60, pp. 1966-1971, May 2011.
Q. He, N. Wei, W. Liu, C. Hu, and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Enhanced epipolar constraint for point correspondence in computer vision system,' Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 58-60, pp. 1871-1876, May 2011.
J. Wu, Q. He, R. Zhou, C. Hu, and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'A novel method of extracting facial feature points based on 3D rotation and ASM,' Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 58-60, pp. 1466-1470, May 2011.
N. Wei, C. Hu, Q. He, W. Liu, and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Angle constraints for point correspondence in multi-ocular vision,' Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 58-60, pp. 1384-1389, May 2011.
X. Wang and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Application of a magnetic dipole modelling approach to the problem of tracking a capsule endoscope,' Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering In Medicine, vol. 225, no. 4, pp. 377-387, Apr. 2011.
X. Wang and M. Q.-H. Meng, 'Perspective of active capsule endoscope: actuation and localization,' International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 38-45, Mar. 2011.
H. Yan, H. Zhang, M. Q.-H. Meng, and H. Shi, 'Delay-range-dependent robust H∞ filtering for uncertain linear systems with interval time-varying delays,' Asian Journal of Control, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 356-360, Mar. 2011.