Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Student Sharing

Exchange Stories

EE students can gain international exposure by going for a short term or year long overseas exchange. Some examples include: University of California, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Waterloo, University College London, Universitat Karlsruhe, Institut National des Telecommunications, Technical University of Denmark and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).


CHEUNG Hon Ki Viola 張浣琪


I was an exchange student at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden in Spring 2011. KTH is a leading science and technology institute in Europe. The School of Information and Communication Technology, which I belonged to, has a lot of well-established collaborations with other universities as well as companies like Acreo and Ericsson. Studying in such environment made me have a deeper insight in technological research and the trends in the industry.

I have also met a lot of international students at KTH and I found different views on life and way of working. Having discussion with them was always a self-challenging process and helped me master the knowledge. Travelling around Europe was very rewarding. It let me experience different lifestyles and cultures. It also reminded me that learning is a life-long and unbounded process.

After this half-year stay in Sweden and Europe, I have gained self-confidence and independence, and have known more about myself. I also have a clearer picture about my future.


NG Ka Chun 伍家俊


Many students in the department would participate in work-study program in Year 3. However, I chose a different option – going to another side of the world, experiencing a different life. I hope that it would bring some impacts and new ideas to me outside my comfort zone.

I had a unique valuable exchange study experience in the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the USA last academic year, which broadened my international and intercultural horizons and marked an unforgettable memory in my university life.

I was able to meet students coming from all over the world with wide variety of backgrounds in a diversified intellectual environment at the host university. They provided me completely fresh insights and ideas through class activities, experiments, discussions and group projects. I also shared the situations in Hong Kong of how e-commerce, innovation and technology were implemented and developed in Hong Kong with the advancement of the Internet and social networking.

In addition, I participated in the promotion of new learning platform on campus – e-Portfolio, and became part of the development team. I shared my past learning experience, course evaluation and feedback, my exchange experience on my e-Portfolio to other students, as well as teachers and students from other universities and schools, in which I developed my habit of self-reflection. It greatly improved my self-learning process and effectiveness.
