Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2005-2006

RGC Earmarked Grants received by Faculty Members in 2005-2006

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. C. Lin Study of Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCF) for Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion and Photonic Sensor Applications $327,846
Prof. C. T. Shu Dynamically tunable birefringence optical comb filters and their applications in multi-wavelength communications $510,704
Prof. H. K. Tsang Silicon-on-Insulator Optical Waveguides: Nonlinearities and Functional Elements $489,064
Prof. H. P. Ho Nanowires and Nanobelts of Group III Oxides Synthesized by a Novel Implantation-assisted Technique for Applications in Optics, Optoelectronics and Sensors $548,574
Prof. K. K. Cheng Novel Dual-Band Circuit Design Techniques for Wireless Systems $386,274
Prof. K. N. Ngan Visual Attention Model for Image/Video Segmentation $564,804
Prof. T. Lee Development of speech processing algorithms on digital hearing aids for improved perception of tonal languages $359,224