Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Mr CHAU, Stephen 鄒金根
Executive Director & Chief Technology Officer, SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited


Resume of Career

Stephen Chau has been with SmarTone since 1993. He joined the company as Head of Operations and was made Chief Technology Officer since 1999. He is responsible for the company's information and communications technology strategy, roadmap and deployment.

Mr Chau's leadership has shaped SmarTone's technological innovations, impacting all areas of business operations and establishing sustainable competitive advantages. He is responsible for SmarTone's high performance network, which is widely recognized for its superior voice and data experience. He is the architect of SmarTone's advanced service platform which enables its many proprietary services, offering differentiation in the marketplace and real value to customers. Mr Chau also oversees the evolution of SmarTone's industry leading customer management and support systems enabling frontline staff to provide award-winning customer care.

Mr Chau has held various senior management positions in telecommunications companies. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK and the Institute of Engineers, Australia, and a Chartered Engineer of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK. He is also on the Executive Committee of the Communications Association of Hong Kong, and the panel of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Support Programme Assessment under the Innovation and Technology Fund.

