Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2010-2011

Other Received Grants in 2010-2011

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. H. P. Ho Development of High-speed SPR Micro-array Immunoassay Instrumentation and Its Technology Platform for the Industry (Decipher Bioscience (Shenzhen) Limited) $150,000
Prof. H. P. Ho Development of High-speed SPR Micro-array Immunoassay Instrumentation and Its Technology Platform for the Industry (Shenzhen Anxinbao Technology Development Company Limited) $45,000
Prof. J. B. Xu Engineering Novel Electronic Properties of Doped Graphene from Molecular Materials (RGC Collaborative Research Fund) $1,388,996
Prof. K. N. Ngan Visual Signal Processing Technology for Emerging 3D Applications Project (ASTRI) $800,000
Prof. S. Y. Wang A Novel Chinese Text Input Brain-Computer Interface for Persons with Neuromuscular Disability $189,000
Prof. William S. Y. Wang A Brain-controlled Chinese Input System (TBF CUHK) $499,816
Prof. X.G. Wang Feature/Context Education in Video Surveillance System (ASTRI) $900,000