Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Robotics, Perception and AI Group

Robotics, Perception and AI Group

  • Robotics with medical, service, and industrial applications
  • Perception, sensors and computer vision
  • AI, pattern recognition, and human machine interaction
  • Intelligent and integrated systems
Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy

The focus areas of research of Biomedical Engineering Group include: wearable medical devices, biosensors, medical robotics, body area networks and body sensor networks, low-power medical integrated chip, mobile health, telemedicine, terahertz imaging, bionanotechnology and nanomedicine.

This group has been awarded a number of competitive research grants, including RGC earmarked grants, UGC recurrent grants, and ITF, with a total amount of approximately HK$ 65 Million in the last few years. We have also established extensive collaborations locally, nationally, and internationally. For example, to name a few: the ”Joint Universities Consortium on Biomedical Engineering” with PolyU; collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shenzhen Government to establish the Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering in Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology; and the only non-European country to participate in the PF7 project ”Heart Cycle” led by Philips Research. Additionally, we are the only institute in Hong Kong with a terahertz imaging system.

The excellence and impact in the field of our group has been widely recognized, as reflected by having regular and frequent publications in top journals, wining a number of prestigious awards and honours, holding the position of Editor-in-Chief of premier journal (class A) within the field, and organizing international flagship conferences.

