Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Alumni Award Winner 2012

2010 | 2015


Mr. Peter Chan (Degree from CUHK: BSc 1975)

Mr. Peter Chan, Fellow of HKIE, has flourished more than thirty years in the electronics industry, starting his career as a Sales Representative in Burroughs Machines Ltd. In 1988, Peter ventured into the challenging tasks of starting factories from scratch and turning around factories from red to black. Within six years, he started three factories and successfully turned around two factories from red to black. In 1994 Peter founded his own consulting firm, Chinno Industries Ltd.

Peter has been invited to be the Honorary Lecturer in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong for many years and at the same time he is a renowned speaker in Hong Kong Productivity Council, Management Development Centre of Hong Kong, Shenzhen University, IEE, IEEE, IVE, China Light Power and CU Alumni. Peter was also the founding chairman of the Electronic Engineering Alumni Association of our Department.

Mr. Peter Chan is given the Distinguished Alumni Award for his significant contribution to Hong Kong Industries and Higher Education.

Prof. Dominic Ho (Degrees from CUHK: BSc 1988, PhD 1991)

Prof. Dominic Ho, Fellow of IEEE, is a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Missouri who gained industrial experience at Nortel Networks and Ericsson. He serves as associate editor for both IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and as editor for ITU Standard Recommendation G.168: Digital Network Echo Cancellers and G.160: Voice Enhancement Devices.

Prof. Dominic Ho is given the distinguished Alumni Award for his outstanding and internationally recognized academic achievements and contributions to the advancement of intelligent signal processing research and technology.

Mr. Cliff Woo (Degree from CUHK: BSc 1980)

Mr. Cliff Woo is the alternate director on the board of directors of Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd. He has served as the alternate director since December 2005. He is also the chief technology officer since September 2004. Prior to joining Hutchison Telecommunications International, Ltd., Cliff was deputy managing director and wireless network director of Hutchison Telecom since 2000, having joined that company in 1998. Cliff was one of the pioneers who set up the mobile phone networks in Hong Kong from scratch.

Mr. Cliff Woo is given the distinguished Alumni Award for his significant contributions to the development of mobile communications in Hong Kong.

Prof. Chak Wong (Degree from CUHK: BSc 1996)

Prof. Chak Wong is currently Professor of Finance Practice at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, program director of MSc Finance, associate director of MBA and director of Asia Pacific Institute of Business. Before returning to academia in 2010, Chak was Managing Director and Head of Structuring of IBD Asia including Japan of Barclays Capital. Prof. Wong was Managing Director and trader in UBS London and Hong Kong, co-heading the APAC structured products groups which trades and designs products including all asset classes and hybrids. He also spent a number of years in London in Goldman Sachs as Executive Director. Prior to that, he was a quantitative analyst in credit derivative and emerging market in Morgan Stanley, London. Prof. Chak Wong was Rhodes Scholar of Hong Kong 1995. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Oxford.

Prof. Chak Wong is given the distinguished Alumni Award for his significant contribution to quantitative analysis in finance and education.
