Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2012-2013


RGC General Research Fund in 2012-2013

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. C. P. Wong Metal particle-templated growth of curved graphene for supercapacitor applications $905,425
Prof. F. T. Mak (EE & MAE) Theoretical Modeling of the Development of Deep Tissue Injuries: Damage Accumulation and Repair during Loading-Unloading Episodes $700,000
Prof. H. K. Tsang Nonlinear optical properties and applications of graphene-silicon optical waveguides $700,000
Prof. K. L. Wu A Full Wave Frequency Domain PEEC Model and Its Physics-Based Model Order Reduction for Modeling of Electronic Interconnects and Packages $700,000
Prof. K. N. Ngan An Interactive Orthopedic Surgical Robotic System with Motion Constraints and Advanced Control Algorithms based on Force Feedback $905,425
Prof. Q. H. Meng Scene-specific Pedestrian and Vehicle Detectors in Video Surveillance for Traffic Management $783,374
Prof. T. Blu Image restoration using unbiased risk estimates $500,000
Prof. X. G. Wang Automatic Human Behavior Analysis in Crowds Using a Dynamic Agent-based Model $988,087