Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2014-2015


RGC General Research Fund in 2014-2015

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. Blu Thierry Optimized image and volume interpolations $875,000
Prof. Cham Wai-kuen A Robust Officiation System for Badminton Games $500,000
Prof. Cheng Michael Kwok-keung Design and Application of Novel Reconfigurable Microwave Control Device $630,894
Prof. Ching Pak-chung On Interference Alignment and Spatial Diversity of MIMO Wireless Networks $500,000
Prof. Choi Jonathan Chung-hang Mechanistic investigations of the "bio-nano" interactions between anisotropic bionanomaterials and the living system (Early Career Scheme (ECS)) $604,257
Prof. Lee Tan Objective assessment of pathological voices based on acoustic signal analysis and classification $500,000
Prof. Ma Wing-kin Blind and Semiblind Hyperspectral Unmixing: Contending with Outliers and Uncertainties $692,894
Prof. MacPherson Emma Liquid crystal Variable Index Terahertz Adaptive Lens (VITAL) device for biomedical imaging $500,000
Prof. Meng Max Qing-Hu A Cloud Robotic System with Optimized Perception for Complex Tasks $692,894
Prof. Ouyang Wanli Human pose estimation and social interaction recognition with deep neural networks $500,000
Prof. Shu Chester Ching-tat Raman-assisted fiber optical parametric amplifier based multi-wavelength amplification and signal regeneration $692,894
Prof. Tsang Hon Ki Experimental Investigation of Thermal Characteristics of Silicon Waveguide based anti-Stokes Raman Resonators $692,894
Prof. Wang Xiaogang Deep Learning for Person Re-identification and Attribute Recognition $875,000