Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2016-2017


RGC General Research Fund in 2016-2017

Principal Investigator Project Title Amount
Prof. Choi Chung Hang Jonathan A novel polydopamine@poly(adenylic acid) nanoparticle for crossing the blood-brain barrier and selectively targeting neurons in vivo $359,406
Prof. Lee Tan Unsupervised speech modelling for low-resource languages $675,647
Prof. Li Hongseng Modeling crowd scene dynamics with deep neural networks $482,605
Prof. Pun Kong Pang Research on power-efficient analog-to-digital converters $675,647
Prof. Shu Ching Tat Chester Distortion-Compensated Optical Phase Conjugators for Multi-Wavelength Communication Systems $450,432
Prof. Tsang Hon Ki 16-QAM Integrated Franz-Keldysh Electro-absorption Modulators for optical interconnects $482,605
Prof. Wang Xiaogang Deep Learning Appearance and Dynamic Feature Representations for General Video Analysis $675,647
Prof. Wong Ching Ping Towards Uniform High-Aspect-Ratio Metal-assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon in Nanoscale $482,605
Prof. Xu Jianbin Investigation of Advanced Hybrid Optoelectronic Devices Based on Organometal Perovskite and Two-Dimensional Materials $482,605
Prof. Zhao Ni Charge modulation spectroscopy of solid-liquid and solid-cell interfaces in organic bioelectronic devices $675,647