Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2008
Name Details

Prof. K.L.Wu

The paper titled “Development of The First Chinese Electromagnetic Human Model and Its Use for SAR Calculations” received Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) prize in 2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference held in Hong Kong during Dec....View more

Prof. H.K. Tsang

Silicon Photonics and Nanophotonic devicesDr T.K.Liang was awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS) (2005) for his 2004 work, while he was a PhD student in Prof Tsang’s group, in showing experimentally that...View more

Prof. C.T. Chu

Optical Processing for Next Generation Fiber CommunicationsProf. Chester Shu’s team has demonstrated significant research progress in the area of optical communications as reflected by a number of research awards and paper awards. His Ph.D graduate...View more

Prof. J.B. Xu

A significant citation of a pioneering paper by an EE teamOne of early Applied Physics Letter papers by an EE team on semiconductor surface morphology by AFM (C. C. Hsu, Y. C. Lu, J. B. Xu, I. Wilson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 1959 (1994).) has been cited by...View more

Prof. K.T. Chan

Biophotonics--Femtosecond fusion Prof. KT Chan and his student, Mr. He Hao, published a recent paper on Biophotonics in Applied Physics Letters Vol.93, 163901 (2008). This paper has been highlighted in the 2008 Dec. issue of a very prestigious journal,...View more

Prof. H. K. Tsang

Prof. H.K Tsang was awarded the Research Excellence Award 2006-2007. The award comes with a plaque and a grant of HK$200K to support research activities.View more

Prof. C.T. Shu

Paper submitted by Prof. C.T. Shu was accepted by Top Class OFC Conference postdeadline. Paper submitted by Prof. Chester SHU in Opto-electronic Research Lab., was accepted postdeadline in the world class OFC Conference in San Diego. As quoted from...View more
