Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2010
Name Details

Zhao Qian (Prof. Q. H. Meng)

Qian Zhao won the Best Poster Award in the 5th BJ-HK International Doctoral Forum which was hosted by Tsinghua University in August, 2010. The title of the paper is ‘Most Representative Frame Extraction for WCE Video Clips’. “In this...View more

Fung Yin Wai (Prof. K.L. Wu)

Fung Yin Wai has recently been awarded the Silver Award in Most Innovative EPC/RFID Application for the Hong Kong RFID Awards 2010. Her project titled "Smart Network Connected Fashion Stores". The award was presented at the GS1 Hong Kong Supply Chain...View more

Ip Wei Chi, Hu Hai, Li Wei (Prof. K.K.Cheng, Prof. K.L.Wu)

Congratulations to Ip Wei Chi, Hu Hai and Li Wei for winning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize of the Best Student Paper Award at the 11th Postgraduate Conference of the IEEE Hong Kong Section AP/MTT Joint Chapter! The award winning papers are entitled “A...View more

Chen Xia (Prof. HK Tsang)

Chen Xia was awarded Bronze prize (US$2000 ) of the TSMC outstanding student research award in the category of Green Electronics for his PhD thesis work on silicon photonics . Over 200 students from around the world competed for the prizes. Winners of...View more

Ip Wei Chi (Prof. K.K.Cheng)

Ip Wei Chi, MPhil student from the Microwave Lab (supervisor: Prof. Michael Cheng) has been awarded the Champion of the IET (HK) YMEC 2010 (Postgraduate Section) held on July 11, 2010. The title of his presentation is Design and Implementation of Compact...View more

Li Qiang, Zhang Wei (Prof. W.K. Ma and Prof. W.K. Cham)

Congratulations to Li Qiang and Zhang Wei for winning the 1st and the 3rd prize of the Postgraduate Forum of the IEEE HK Chapter of Signal Processing ! Well done!View more

Florian Luisier (Prof. T. Blu)

Prof. Blu's PhD student, Florian Luisier, has been selected to receive a Young Author Best Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, for a paper on image denoising published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2007). More info...View more
