The package in this page provides an example of how to stream EEG data from ANT Neuro eego amplifier to MATLAB. The program is built with the eego SDK ( and MATLAB, with wrapping a C++ class containing the eego SDK functions in a MATLAB class. This implementation uses the mex interface, which operates safely without memory leaks. It doesn’t use all functions provided by the eego SDK but could be easily extended for individual needs by adapting the current workflow to variety of functions.

    Publishing Website EEGO-MATLAB interface rev02
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    Class Handle Signature (File Type: C/C++ Header)
    [View]     [Download]

    EEGO (File Type: C++ Source)
    [View]     [Download]

    EEGO Interface (File Type: Matlab Code)
    [View]     [Download]

    Test Main (File Type: Matlab Code)
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