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[15, Oct. 2020] 「繪圖貼說,兼繙海外」:鴉片戰爭後粵人《述報》(1884-1885)的西學取徑
In the lecture titled “‘Illustrate it, describe it and translate it’: the Cantonese Newspaper Shubao (1884-1885) and its approach to Western Learning in post-Opium-Wars context”(「繪圖貼說,兼繙海外」:鴉片戰爭後粵人《述報》(1884-1885)的西學取徑), Professor Michelle Jia Ye explores Shubao (1884-1885), the first Chinese-run Chinese-language daily newspaper in Canton, with a focus on the news articles that were marked as translations.
The lecture offers the case of Shubao as an entry point for dissecting the fine changes in the knowledge landscape of local Cantonese intellectuals in connection to the rise of periodical press and the practice of translation in late-Qing period.
The lecture is accessible via!BCwPi9vAA0ZRxQ0v3U5TddK2aOmP?e=l39vCx