Centre for Translation Technology
Resources - Associations/Centres/Labs

1. Alabama Digital Humanities Center
The Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC) offers faculty, staff, and graduate students resources to explore digital humanities. Organized and supported by a community of academics at the University of Alabama, the ADHC provides technical skills, equipment, and collaborative opportunities to researchers at all levels of expertise and interest in the field.
Website: https://adhc.lib.ua.edu/
2. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is an umbrella organisation whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership.
Website: http://adho.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllianceofDigitalHumanitiesOrganizations
3. Association for Humanities and Digital Culture
Association for Humanities and Digital Culture/ L’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) fosters methodological and theoretical research, scientific collaboration and the development of shared practices, resources and tools in the Digital Humanities, as well as digital applications in all Humanities disciplines.
Website: http://www.aiucd.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aiucd/
4. Australasian Association for Digital Humanities
The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Inc (aaDH) was formed in March 2011 to strengthen the digital humanities research community in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific and is a member of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO).
Website: https://aa-dh.org/
5. Canadian Society for Digital Humanities
The Canadian Society of Digital Humanities/Société canadienne des humanités numériques is a Canada-wide association of representatives from Canadian colleges and universities that began in 1986, founded as the Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines.
Website: http://csdh-schn.org/
6. Digital Humanities Association for Southern Africa
The Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) was officially established with the acceptance of its constitution at a general meeting of participants on April 5, 2016 at the Second National Digital Humanities Workshop also held at the NWU.
Website: http://digitalhumanities.org.za/
7. Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
Digital Humanities in the Nordic countries, an associated organization to EADH, has been formed to strengthen research, education and communication in the field of Digital Humanities.
Website: http://dig-hum-nord.eu/about-dhn/
8. European Association for Digital Humanities
The EADH brings together and represents the Digital Humanities in Europe across the entire spectrum of disciplines that research, develop, and apply digital humanities methods and technology. The EADH also supports the formation of DH interest groups in Europe that are defined by region, language, methodological focus or other criteria.
Website: http://eadh.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/109971049335068/?fref=ts
9. Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities
Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanity (TADH) is a non-profit association which was founded in 2016. TADH is the outcome in response to the need of a professional organization to strengthen the digital humanities research communities in Taiwan.
Website: http://tadh.org.tw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhtaiwan/
10. Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH) aims to form an environment where international collaborative works are more fully realized.
Website: https://www.jadh.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/758758500904522/
1. Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures (ASCDC) seeks to use digital technology to enrich research materials, upgrade the academic environment, and advance studies in the humanities.
Website: https://ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/en/
2. Center for Digital Humanities (The University of Arizona)
The Center for Digital Humanities is a research and innovation incubator for the computational study of the human condition.
Website: https://digitalhumanities.arizona.edu/
3. Center for Digital Humanities Wuhan University
The Center for Digital Humanities was established in January 2016 on the foundation of the Laboratory of Historical and Political Information Science of the Historical and Political Faculty of Perm State University.
Website: http://dh.psu.ru/en/
4. Center for Digital Humanities Wuhan University
Founded in 2011, Wuhan University Digital Humanities Research Center is the first digital humanities research center in mainland China and one of the five founding members of the centerNet Asia Pacific Alliance.
Website: http://dh.whu.edu.cn/dh/web/index.html
5. Center for Humanities and Digital Research (University of Central Florida
The mission of the UCF Center for Humanities and Digital Research (CHDR) is to serve as an engine for cross-disciplinary collaboration, multi-institutional partnerships, sponsored research and publication, community engagement, and public humanities programming.
Website: http://chdr.cah.ucf.edu/index.html
6. Centre for Digital Humanities (Eötvös Loránd University)
It is among the most important tasks of Hungary’s oldest university, the Eötvös Loránd University, to adopt the latest scientific and technical advancements in the field of humanities.
Website: http://elte-dh.hu/the-centre/
7. Centre for Digital Humanities (Ryerson University)
Ryerson’s Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) engages in collaborative transdisciplinary scholarship, research, and creativity (SRC) at the critical intersection of the material and the digital, contributing to scholarly and societal knowledge about cultural objects, makers, and communities.
Website: https://www.ryerson.ca/cdh/
8. Centre for Digital Humanities (Trinity College Dublin)
The Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities brings together researchers from many disciplinary backgrounds to facilitate the novel investigation, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of information in electronic form.
Website: https://dh.tcd.ie/dh/
9. Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis
Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) is an international digital humanities center at Stanford University. At CESTA, people use and critique digital tools and methods to create new knowledge in cross-disciplinary humanistic inquiry.
Website: https://cesta.stanford.edu/about/about-us
10. Center of Digital Humanities Research
Center of Digital Humanities Research is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts of Texas A&M University. Its aim is to garner international recognition for Texas A&M University through development of significant digital humanities research projects, both the Center’s own signature projects and vibrant faculty projects.
Website: http://codhr.dh.tamu.edu/
11. Center for Public History and Digital Humanities (Cleveland State University)
The Center for Public History and Digital Humanities seeks to advance public history in all its dimensions. The Center seeks to engage the best practices and evolving understandings of the digital humanities, broadly conceived.
Website: https://csudigitalhumanities.org/
12. CenterNet
CenterNet is an international network of digital humanities centers formed for cooperative and collaborative action to benefit digital humanities and allied fields in general, and centers as humanities cyberinfrastructure in particular.
Website: http://dhcenternet.org/
13. Digital Humanities Network (DHN)
Digital Humanities Network (DHN) is based at the University of Toronto. The mandate of the DHN is to design and support initiatives that raise awareness and build upon U of T’s existing strengths in the digital humanities.
Website: https://dhn.utoronto.ca/
14. Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG)
HELDIG is a Finnish research network and infrastructure for solving research problems in humanities and social sciences with novel computational methods, and for studying digitalization as a phenomenon. HELDIG also supports education in Digital Humanities and application development.
Website: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/helsinki-centre-for-digital-humanities
15. Humanities + Design
Humanities + Design is a laboratory member of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) at Stanford University. Its mission is to produce, through the lens of humanistic inquiry, new modes of thinking in design and computer science to serve data-driven research in the humanities.
Website: http://hdlab.stanford.edu/
16. Lancaster University Digital Humanities Hub
Lancaster University Digital Humanities Hub brings together internationally recognised centres of excellence in the spatial humanities, corpus linguistics and natural language processing (NLP), and combines these with broad expertise across the digital humanities as a whole.
Website: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/dighum/
17. Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH)
The Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities (LUCDH) promotes the informed and critical uses of digital technology and computational approaches in art, literature, history, area studies, linguistics, philosophy, religion, and other disciplines of the humanities.
Website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/humanities/centre-for-digital-humanities
18. Multilingual DH
Multilingual DH is a loosely-organized international network of scholars using digital humanities tools and methods on languages other than English.
Website: http://multilingualdh.org/en/
19. The Center for Digital Humanities (Vanderbilt University)
The Center for Digital Humanities at Vanderbilt aims to create a flourishing environment for innovative exploration at the intersection of digital technology and humanities research by providing learning experiences, project support, and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Website: https://www.vanderbilt.edu/digitalhumanities/
20. The Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton
The Center for Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary research center and academic unit within the Princeton University Library. It embraces an inclusive understanding of DH that investigates the myriad ways digital methods and technologies are opening new avenues for research into the human experience, past and present.
Website: https://cdh.princeton.edu/
21. The Digital Humanities Lab
The Digital Humanities Lab is an inter-institutional research group connecting digital humanities research across the three KNAW HuC institutes. The lab is focused on advancing humanities research through digital methods for which they bring together expertise from humanities, computational linguistics, social science and semantic web.
Website: http://www.dhlab.nl/
22. The Duke Digital Humanities Initiative
The Duke Digital Humanities Initiative promotes new ways to engage in and learn about the use of technology in humanities scholarship and teaching. Its goal is to connect scholars, teachers, librarians, technologists, and practitioners from around campus.
Website: https://digitalhumanities.duke.edu/
23. Research Center for Digital Humanities (National Taiwan University)
The Research Center for Digital Humanities is committed to creating a complete digital research environment. The center also conducts research and continues to digitally preserve Taiwan’s important, unique and delicate cultural artifacts and historical resources.
Website: http://www.digital.ntu.edu.tw/en/index.jsp
24. UCL Centre for Digital Humanities
Founded in 2010, the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH) is a cross-faculty research centre, bringing together a vibrant network of people who teach and research in a wide range of disciplines.
Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/digital-humanities/
25. UNIL-EPFL dhCentre
The UNIL-EPFL dhCenter is an interdisciplinary research platform set up between the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland, to facilitate collaboration between researchers working on the multiple dimensions of the digital transformation and dataification of the world we live in.
Website: https://dhcenter-unil-epfl.com/en/
26. Utrecht University - Centre for Digital Humanities
The Centre for Digital Humanities is currently being established as an interdisciplinary centre for research and education in computational and/or data-driven methods in the humanities. The Centre for Digital Humanities aspires to accelerate and support the development of these digital methods, in order to gain new insights in all of the humanities.
Website: https://www.uu.nl/en/research/digital-humanities
27. Utrecht University – Digital Humanities Lab
The Utrecht Digital Humanities Lab aims to further the study and development of digital methods and technologies for research and teaching in the humanities. The Lab’s working area is not limited to the Faculty of Humanities, but affects every humanistic field at the university.
Website: https://dig.hum.uu.nl/
28. Yale Digital Humanities Lab
The Digital Humanities Laboratory (DHLab), a unit of Yale University Library, offers space, community, and resources for Yale scholars who are using computational methods to pursue research questions in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences.
Website: https://dhlab.yale.edu/