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Frequently Asked Questions

Application for Admission

Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application designed to assist local students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results (past and/ or current) to apply for admission to programmes offered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors (SSSDP) institutions.

Please visit the JUPAS website for eligibility and procedures of JUPAS application. The application deadline is 9 December 2020.

Applicants can apply through either JUPAS or Non-JUPAS scheme according to their academic qualifications but NOT both in the same academic year.

Applicants may refer to Full-time Undergraduate Studies and Projected Enrolment for the indicative programme intake quotas. Please note, however, that the number of JUPAS students to be admitted will depend on the quality of applicants each year.

The University offers over 70 major programmes to JUPAS applicants via over 60 JUPAS programme choices. Some of these programmes (including most of the major programmes in the Faculty of Engineering, most of the major programmes in the Faculty of Science and most of the major programmes in the Faculty of Social Science) have introduced broad-based admission arrangements to provide more flexible major programme choices to applicants. Please click the programmes below for details of the specific arrangements:

Other programmes at the University will continue to admit students directly. Please check Programme Information or the JUPAS webpage for details.


CUHK accepts application from applicants with results in more than one sitting of the HKDSE exam. For 2021 entry, the best result in the same subject taken by a candidate in his/ her three most recent attempts of the HKDSE examination will be used for calculation of the admission score.

For a small number of programmes, there may be specific arrangements and the admission scores of candidates seeking admission on the strength of results from more than one sitting of HKDSE examination may be adjusted. Please refer to Arrangements for Applicants with More Than One Sitting of HKDSE for reference.

Admission Requirements    

The minimum University requirements for application are 4 core and 2 elective subjects, or 4 core and 1 elective subject and the Mathematics (Extended Part) Module 1 or 2. The minimum requirements for the 4 core subjects of Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies are Levels 3322 respectively. The minimum requirement for elective subjects is Level 3. Applicants shall also satisfy the additional requirements of the programme concerned.

In addition to meeting the minimum University requirements for application, applicants shall also satisfy the specific requirements of the programmes concerned. Please check the additional requirements of the programmes here.

Applicants who study 4 core and 2 elective subjects, or 4 core and 1 elective subject and the Mathematics (Extended Part) Module 1 or Module 2, are eligible to apply for admission to undergraduate programmes at CUHK.

Please note that three programmes at CUHK require students to have taken either M1 or M2. Please check the additional requirements of the programmes here.

Some programmes will accept "Attained with Distinction" in Applied Learning subjects as an extra elective subject. Please click here for details in 2021 entry. Applied Learning subjects will not be considered as the elective subject in the minimum eligibility for application of 4 core and 2 elective subjects.

Other Language subjects (Grade E or above) will be considered as an unspecified elective subject in fulfilling the minimum eligibility for application of 4 core and 2 elective subjects.

The University will consider your experiences and achievements in Other Learning Experiences (OLE) as submitted under the Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions/ Activities (OEA) template of your JUPAS application form. You may also submit your Student Learning Profile (SLP) through JUPAS for reference by the University. If you are invited for interviews, you may also present your portfolio. The information may provide topics for discussion during interviews.

In addition to subjects considered in the selection principles of programmes (that is, Best 5 or 4C+2X), applicants’ performance in extra elective subjects will be considered, and bonus points will be awarded to up to the 7th subject.

To apply for admission to CUHK, JUPAS applicants must meet the Minimum University and Programme Requirements.

JUPAS applicants under specified circumstances* may, at the discretion of the faculty dean concerned and on a case-by-case basis, be granted waiver of the HKDSE Chinese Language requirement, subject to the conditions as set out in the Minimum University and Programme Requirements.

Please note that some CUHK programmes are more specifically tied to the local context or may require a high level of Chinese language proficiency. They therefore do not accept application for waiver of the HKDSE Chinese Language requirement. Please refer to the Programme-specific Requirements for details.

Alternate qualifications in Chinese Language to be accepted generally for applicants fulfilling the above specified circumstances:

Qualifications Minimum Grade Required
Applied Learning (Chinese) Attained
GCSE / IGCSE Grade C or Grade 4
GCE (A-Level) / GCE (AS-Level) / GCE (O-Level) Grade E


*JUPAS applicants under these specified circumstances should refer to the JUPAS website for details.

Admission Scores    

How is the admission score calculated?

Programmes offered by the University calculate admission scores based on the two selection principles below:

(A) Best 5, or the total score of Best 5 HKDSE subjects
(B) 4C+2X, or the total score of
(i) 4 core subjects and 2 best electives; or
(ii) 4 core and 1 best elective subject and Maths M1/M2

For details, please refer to Programme Selection Principles and HKDSE Subject Weighting.

Please click here for the upper-quartile, median and lower-quartile admission scores of CUHK programmes in the 2020 entry as reference.

As admission is not based on public examination results alone, and the overall scores of students admitted to each programme vary from year to year, the information provided is for reference only, and should not be used to predict the chance of admission to any programme in subsequent years.

Interview Arrangements

Selection interviews will generally be conducted after the completion of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examinations, and/ or after the release of HKDSE results in July 2021.

Please click here for details of the interview arrangements of specific programmes in 2020 as reference.

The selection interview is an opportunity for the faculty/programme to better understand the aptitude and aspiration of an applicant. For faculties/ programmes that conduct selection interviews, interview performance is one of the factors taken into consideration in admission decisions.

Shortlisting of candidates for interviews would take into consideration information submitted by applicants/ their schools, recommendation of school principals/ teachers, participation and achievements in other experience and activities, and public examination results. Admission decisions will be made after the announcement of HKDSE results and will be announced through JUPAS in August.

Bilingual small group or individual interviews are usually scheduled. Details such as the date, time, and language of the interview will be provided in the interview notification.

If you are shortlisted for interviews, you will receive individual notification by phone or by email.

Due to the large candidature, please make every effort to attend the interview at the scheduled time. However, if you have good reasons to decline an interview, please inform the contact person (listed on your interview notification) as soon as possible. Re-scheduling of interviews will be at the discretion of the faculties/ programmes concerned.


The tuition fee for local students for 2020-21 is HK$42,100 per annum.

Once you are admitted, you can apply for financial aid. Students should contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (Tel: 3943-7205 or Email: for assistance.

There are over 8,800 scholarships / awards available for students of the University, granted based on academic merits or non-academic achievements. In addition, the CUHK Admission Scholarships are granted every year to outstanding JUPAS students who are admitted to the University.

CUHK has launched the Sports Scholarship Scheme since 2001 to enable members of the Hong Kong National Squad and Youth Squad with HKDSE qualifications and exceptional sporting prowess to study at the University.

Students with outstanding sports achievements will be awarded sports scholarship of HK$10,000 to HK$50,000 per year up to a maximum tenure of 5 years. Please click here for details of the Sports Scholarship Scheme or visit the website of Physical Education Unit at

Of all universities in Hong Kong, CUHK is the only one that offers a college experience. Each undergraduate is assigned to one of the constituent Colleges, Chung Chi, New Asia, United, Shaw, Morningside, S.H. Ho, CW Chu, Wu Yee Sun and Lee Woo Sing. The Colleges complement the formal curricula to deliver whole-person education and pastoral care. The college system encourages intimate interaction among teachers, students and alumni.

For details, please visit Colleges page.

Applicants who have been admitted to a full-time undergraduate programme will be asked to indicate their preferences for college affiliation.

In assigning new students to different Colleges, it is desirable that each College would have students from different faculties/ departments to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas and to widen the students' intellectual perspective. The system for assigning new students to Colleges takes into consideration the preferences of students, their study programmes and admission scores. Priority is given to a new student to be assigned to his/her first-preference College if either of his/her parent is an alumnus of the College.

While students will be assigned college affiliation based on their preferences as far as possible, they may not be assigned to their most preferred College owing to limitation of places available.

For details, please visit Colleges page.

Yes, students admitted to the University can apply for hostel accommodation. Their applications will be considered by the respective Colleges.

The University has the largest number of hostel places among UGC-funded institutions.