A Double-Turbo Charge into the Future

Building on its longstanding and extensive global network, CUHK has been a pioneer in corroborative academic programmes with some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Our students can take full advantage of the distinct curriculums and expertise of two disciplines in two institutions within a normative period of study, and find themselves doubly equipped and empowered for take-off into a limitless sky.

To Graduate with Two Caps

Raised by Two Top Institutions

Passport to Future Success

Chinese Language & Literature
 (with Peking University in China)

Duration: 1 year at CUHK + 2 years at PKU + 1 year at CUHK


Computer Science
(with Tsinghua University in China – in progress for 2021 entry)

Duration: 2 years at CUHK + 2 years at THU

This dual degree programme aims to nurture youngsters to become world-class computer scientists and future leaders of the industry. It combines the strengths of two leading universities and provides students with the opportunities to widen their horizons through immersing in a different learning environment, while pursuing two degrees at the same time.

(with Tsinghua University in China)

Duration: 1.5 years at CUHK + 1.5 years at THU + 0.5 year at CUHK + 0.5 year at THU

This innovative and challenging dual degree programme is designed to equip students for new global economic challenges in the next decade. Students will study for two economics bachelor programmes in CUHK and Tsinghua University, and each student is expected to complete some internship training during the time at Tsinghua University.

Financial Technology
(with Peking University in China)

Duration: 2 years at PKU + 2 years at CUHK

Combining the strengths of the two universities, students participating in the dual degree programme will benefit from rigorous training in both mathematics and engineering. It will significantly enhance the competitiveness of graduates from the dual degree programme, as the practice of modern finance puts great demands on talents equipped with analytical and technological abilities.

Global Studies
(with Waseda University in Japan)

Duration: 2 years at CUHK + 2 years at WAU 

Building on a solid foundation of collaboration, the two universities will introduce dual degree programmes with a primary focus on the discipline of social science. WAU was selected by the Japanese Government as one of the 13 Type A universities under the Top Global University Project.

Integrated BBA
(with IE Business School in Spain)

Duration: 1 year at CUHK + 2 years at IE + 1 year in CUHK

Students who complete the programme and meet the graduation requirements of both universities will receive Bachelor of Business Administration degrees from CUHK and IE Business School. As an international institution, IE Business School places much emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, and its MBA programme was ranked 31st worldwide by Financial Times in 2019.

(with Peking University in China)

Duration: 1 year at CUHK + 2 years at PKU + 1 year at CUHK

Students participating in the dual degree programme will not only benefit from the strengths of the two universities, enrich their training in linguistics, but also widen their horizons through immersing in a different learning environment, while enhancing their competitive edge for their further studies and career development.

(with Tsinghua University in China – in progress for 2021 entry)

Duration: 1.5 years at CUHK + 2 years at THU + 0.5 year at CUHK

The dual degree programme covers both pure and applied mathematics. With the knowledge of pure mathematical science, students can develop a feasible research path on advanced mathematics, statistics and computer science. The knowledge provided by applied mathematics subjects can lead students to the realm of applied sciences which covers finance, engineering, business, marketing and medical research.

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