Onboarding Programme
for Year One Students

What is Onboarding Programme?

Studying in a University is a major change in freshmen’s lives. To help them adapting to University and College life, Lee Woo Sing College launched a new Onboarding Programme for Year One Students as part of our plan in enhancement of student care and counselling services since 2017/18. The programme aims at helping freshmen to identify their personal goals as early as possible and to adjust themselves for University life via peer networking and mentorship scheme, so as to understand self and the society well, and lay a good foundation of their personal development.


The Onboarding Programme consists of networking activities, workshops and mentorship scheme, on top of the General Education courses and activities for year one students. The peer networking and mentorship scheme provide an interactive communication and sharing platform among peers and with mentors during their study in year one. 


39 trained mentors (senior students) with different background (local and non-local students) from various faculties have joined the mentorship scheme this year (2020/21). Besides, College’s faculty teachers are always there for personal development and academic guidance.

The Five Goals
  • U-Life Adjustment
  • Personal Goals
  • Social Networking
  • Widen Exposure
  • Health and Wellness
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
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Snapshots of Activities under the Programme
Words from Programme Advisor
"Starting university often brings changes and challenges in life. Freshmen will need time, encouragement, and support to adapt to the new environment, new friends and teachers, and new modes of learning. Since last year, the College has launched the "Onboarding Programme" for year one students. This Programme includes orientation activities, education programmes, physical and mental health workshops, etc.

Each freshman has been assigned with a student mentor, who is an upper-year Woo Sing student. Student mentors have been selected because of their demonstrated desire and readiness to care for freshmen. Through this Programme, we hope to help freshmen to set personal goals, develop academic and extracurricular interests, and expand their social networks. Based on students’ feedback last year, we include new elements focusing on personal guidance and support provided by mentors to freshmen this year. We hope that this comprehensive Programme will help freshmen to adapt to the University and have a meaningful and exciting university life"
Prof. Harold Chui
Associate Dean of Students