Yale-China Addresses Mental Health During COVID-19
2020 March 27
On March 24, 2020, Yale-China co-hosted an event with Yale Psychiatry Fellow Dr. Eunice Yuen and the student-led group Global Alliance for Public Health, creating a Zoom platform for Asian and Asian American Yale students, scholars, and faculty to speak about three themes of experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic: relating to friends and family in China, stigma and discrimination, and the role of health care workers. The event explored each of these themes with a vignette or video, a panel of speakers, and an audience discussion. See highlights from the event below. View all panels and vignettes on our Youtube channel.
Relating to Friends and Family in China
Stigma and Discrimination
If we are shifting our mentality into more loving or more caring for others, that perspective, a lot of our intentions will totally change, and people will not consider just not being able to do what they regularly could do as something that is unacceptable. Rather, it’s a new way that we can show love to each other.