Yale-China Foreign Teachers Speech Contest 2020
Grand Prize Winner from Yali Middle School: Li Jingrong 李景容
In late February 2020, the Yale-China Fellows launched a speech contest for students from Xiuning Middle School, Yali Middle School, Yuanling No. 1 Middle School, and Yuanling No. 2 Middle School, including students who might not otherwise have an opportunity to interact with the Fellows. The speech contest was a result of the innovation and desire of this year’s Fellows to continue serving and teaching despite COVID-19 and being unable to teach students in person. For our Fellows, this is not only a way to contribute to their students’ English learning but also give their students a creative outlet for personal growth. Read the official rules here .
Speech Contest Winners
For the inaugural Yale-China Foreign Teachers Speech Contest, students were asked to give short speeches describing an experience that changed their lives. Over 135 students from the four schools submitted videos to the speech contest. In round one, speeches were judged by current Fellows. For the final round of judging, former Fellows Jan Kleinman, Chris Murck, Katie Stewart, and Ryan Wilson comprised the selection committee.
The selection committee had a tough decision with many phenomenal entries submitted but concluded that the grand prize winner of the first Yale-China Foreign Teachers Speech Contest is Li Jingrong from Yali Middle School. See Li Jingrong’s speech as well as first place and honorable mentions from each school on this page. Congratulations to all the winners!
Hear the Yale-China Fellows announce the winners in this video.
Grand Prize Winner: Li Jingrong 李景容 from Yali Middle School
Xiuning Middle School First Place: Harper 吴菁
Yali Middle School First Place: Li Jingrong 李景容
Yuanling No. 1 Middle School First Place: Venny 舒美棋
Yuanling No. 2 Middle School First Place: Felicia 张影
Honorable Mention: Stella 詹延 (Xiuning), Marshall 向梓成 (Yuanling No. 1), Jerry 王子瑞 (Yali), and
Murphy 李子宜 (Yali)
Xiuning Middle School
Xiuning Middle School First Place: Harper 吴菁
Xiuning Middle School Honorable Mention: Stella 詹延
Yali Middle School
Yali Middle School Honorable Mention: Jerry 王子瑞
Yali Middle School Honorable Mention: Murphy 李子宜
Yuanling No. 1 Middle School
Yuanling No. 1 Middle School First Place: Venny 舒美棋
Yuanling No. 1 Middle School Honorable Mention: Marshall 向梓成
Yuanling No. 2 Middle School
Yuanling No. 2 Middle School First Place: Felicia 张影