WS People Fund Online Donation Platform Launched

The online donation platform of “WS People Fund” has been launched in July. Alumni, teachers and staff, and friends of Lee Woo Sing College can now support the College’s sustainable development donating to the fund online.

The online “WS People Fund” donation platform accepts VISA and MasterCards payment. Donors can make instant (one-time) donation through the platform’s JETCO system, or provide us with credit card information for recurrent (monthly, quarterly or annually) donations.

“WS People Fund” was established in 2018 as a mean of support for long-term development of Lee Woo Sing College, including students’ all-rounded growth and mental support, as well as the environmental protection work of the campus. It is our goal to foster a positive and caring culture among the College community. Your support to the Fund can make us achieving the goal faster and better.

We also look forward to receiving valuable opinions from our donors and to maintaining close relationship with you. Please click HERE to learn more about the “WS People Fund”.Should you have enquiries about “WS People Fund”, please contact Ms. Mandy TSOI (3943 1634) or Mr. HO Kin Ho (3943 1398) or email to

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