College News 書院消息

8th Anniversary Celebration Crowned with Success!

Open Bazaar, Challenge Tower and Feast for Thousands were held on 27 January, 1 and 4 February 2016 respectively in celebration of the College’s 8th Anniversary Celebration (hereafter “the Celebration”). With the great dedication of the College students in preparing and planning for the whole programme in the past few months, a series of celebration events were crowned with great success.

The Organizing Committee of the Celebration, led by Ms. Kinson Lam, Ms. Amanda Lam, Mr. Tommy Chan and Mr. Michael Lau, successfully invited 40 booths for the Open Bazaar, over 500 WS and non-WS students for the Challenge Tower, and over 350 WS students and alumni for the Feast for Thousands.

Students were extremely grateful with the unfailing supports from College’s CoO members, Master, affiliated teachers and honorary consultants included providing advice on the planning work and the generous donation for lucky draw for Feast for Thousands. The finale of the programme on 4 February 2016 was the singing performance by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor & President. Two members from WS Choir joined him in singing 顺流逆流 by Ms. Paula Tsui with students’ non-stop demonstration of our famous WS beat.

Teachers and students experienced the solidarity; we experienced the WS spirit!

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