During the graduation ceremony last week, our master invites the graduating Woo Singer to take the college as their second “home”. At that moment, I was thinking what would it be like to be a second “home”? Then a few lines of lyrics in the song “North” by Sleep At Last (YouTube Link is a cover by Coastal Sound Youth Choir) came to my mind:
We’ll tell our stories on these walls
Every year, measure how tall
And just like a work of art
We’ll tell our stories on these walls
Woo Singer will always find their stories, good and bad, at Woo Sing.
As time goes by, what we valued may fade. But that is no need to feel sorrow. In the second part of the song, it wrote:
With each year, our color fades
Slowly, our paint chips away
But we will find the strength
And the nerve it takes
To repaint and repaint and repaint every day
As long as we have a sense of “home”, we will have the motivation and perseverance to repaint and rebuild.
Will our graduates be able to do it? I found the answer in the speech given by the student representative. I believe our students regarded not only Woo Sing as their “home”, but also extend their sense of belonging and responsibility to CUHK and Hong Kong.
We are proud of you, Class of 2020 Woo Singer!
上星期書院的畢業典禮上,院長在致辭時特別提到,希望同學畢業後繼續將書院視為第二個家。當時我在想,那會是怎樣的呢?記得Sleeping At Last 名為”North”的作品中(YouTube Link為 Coastal Sound Youth Choir cover )有幾句歌詞是這樣的:
We’ll tell our stories on these walls
Every year, measure how tall
And just like a work of art
We’ll tell our stories on these walls
With each year, our color fades
Slowly, our paint chips away
But we will find the strength
And the nerve it takes
To repaint and repaint and repaint every day
We are proud of you, Class of 2020 和聲人!