Dr. Andie AU-YEUNG

#21 WS Teacher’s Message

Dear students,

Hello! This is Andie Au-Yeung from Earth System Science. I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you on this platform. It is also good to have a little review for me on what happened last year.

We have had a rather special year of 2020. The ways we lived our lives have changed in all sectors. We dealt with losses. The loss of jobs, loss of human touch, even the loss of lives… I am sure on some levels we are all still dealing with losses due to the pandemic. However, the losses remind us to value the things we used to take for granted, such as happy talking time with dear friends or warm meeting with grandparents. At first we tried to survive it. But now we have come up with different methods, such as replacing in-person lectures to Zoom. I even met my old friends from secondary school on Zoom!

I had dealt with a major loss during 2020 myself. My cat passed away. Out of the 12 years of her life, 11 of them were with me. I was devastated. It was not easy to grieve during the pandemic. Now looking back I am glad that I had spent all those years with her and it is important to appreciate life and everything about it.

Last but not least, I hope you understand that you are always welcome to talk to the teachers and staff of WS if you are having difficulties during this pandemic. We are here for you.

All my best,


About Dr Andie AU-YEUNG:

Lecturer of Department Earth System Science Programme, joined Lee Woo Sing College in 2016. She is interested in tropical cyclone simulations, regional climate Simulations, tropical meteorology. If you would like to know more about Dr Andie AU-YEUNG, please visit https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/sci/essc/people/au-yeung_ym.html.

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