Dear students, The environment may not be changed but our mindset can be changed! It has been more than one year that our life has been changed due to pandemic situation. Most of the lessons have been moved to online / blended mode. College activities and other social gatherings are reduced. Unlike the past, we […]
Category: DoS Message
Dear students, I recently read a book on productivity. Unlike other books that focus on time management skills, the author attends to how our brains work and how we can take advantage of this knowledge and plan our days strategically. According to his book, Two awesome hours: Science-based strategies to harness your best time and
Dear students, Alice claims to Bob that the coffee at the (now unfortunately closed) Tolo Cafe at her Lee Woo Sing College is much better than the one at the 330 cafe across campus. Bob doesn’t believe that Alice knows a thing about coffee. To test her skill, Bob buys a coffee drink from one
在元宵佳節,祝願各位與至親愛侶過得幸福甜蜜! 各位和聲同學, 提到幸福,我想起之前在居酒屋看到一支名『一生幸福』的大吟釀。少年人,請不要輕看這四個字!還記得第一次聽到這四個字,是我結婚當日,長輩給我和太太的祝福,那時候,我覺得只要能同諧白首就已經好了。到了現在,才真正感受到『一生幸福』這句話的重量,因為,這是在經營兩個人,甚至是下一代的幸福,而這門事業,是帶有「終身保養」的承諾。只有用匠心般的努力和時刻更新,才能體貼至親愛侶隨著歲月和環境而改變的需要。當然要做到並不容易,但努力過程中已能品嘗到如酒般的甘香醇。你們準備好令至親享受一生幸福未? Dear students, Today is the Lantern Festival. I wish you and your beloved a wonderful festival full of happiness and blessings. Talking about blessings, I recalled a bottle of Junmai Daijinjo, “A Lifelong Blessing” when I was visiting an izakaya. Don’t underrate these words, boys and girls! I first got these words
Dear students, Hello! This is Andie Au-Yeung from Earth System Science. I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you on this platform. It is also good to have a little review for me on what happened last year. We have had a rather special year of 2020. The ways we lived our
Dear students, Before sharing the teacher’s message of this week, here comes the Chinese New Year greeting from our Dean of Students, Prof Ellis Fok, click here (clubhouse mode on 😂). 大家好,我是Edwin,好高興在上一年加入和聲大家庭。 我來自金融學系,平常有不少同學問關於投資的事,最近最多同學想知就是有關Gamestop的分析。但Gamestop事件比較復雜,牽涉到價值投資,沽空機構,挾淡倉,甚至意識型態上的爭議。很難在這裡一一解釋,那不如我答另一個同學有興趣的問題—現在最得投資的是什麼呢? 虛擬貨幣,電動汽車股,還是新股?這些都可能是好投資。但我認為對同學們來說,最值得的投資就是你自己。人生奮鬥可以改變自己未來的時間有限,大學這幾年,絕對是最關鍵。把資源和時間放多點在學習新知識,擴闊視野,建立人脈,和嘗試踏出舒適區。把自己裝備好,到機會來臨時好好把握,對人一生的回報絕對要比股票投資高很多。 和大家分享自己一個經歷,很多年前剛畢業在找工作時,突然收到一個大學時期的同學電話(那時還沒WhatsApp,可想而知有多久前)。心想,以前好像和他沒有兩句,難道他要派請帖還是問我對投資計劃有沒有興趣。幸好,在我開口前,他跟著就說,在朋友口中聽到我在找工作,所以就打算問我有沒有興趣到他的公司工作。我當時很開心,但也有點錯愕,問他,你為什麼找我呢?他說雖然我們在大學時沒有說過話,,我們很多科目也有一起上,那個像妙麗一樣不斷舉手答教授問題的我,他早就認識。 人生就像投資,將來的果,就來自今天起一點一滴的努力。當然享受大學生活也是很重要,相信大家好快學會如何work hard play hard,就讓自己在這幾年變成像Tesla一樣的增長股! Hello everyone, my name is Edwin and I am happy to join the Woo Sing family
Dear Students, I hope you are having a good semester so far. It has been a difficult year for everyone due to the pandemic, but I hope that you all got used to the online learning and the ‘new normal’ life. I joined CUHK in August 2019, but I am new to LWS college and
Dear Students, 細說日出印象 日出與日落是畫家最愛的題材,然而,能讓人留下深刻印象的莫過於Claude Monet的「日出」。1872年Claude Monet的「日出」終於面世,當時的Claude Monet已經患有眼疾,視力日漸衰退。人生就是這樣,畫家遇上眼疾,是諷刺還是磨練?是宿命還是機會?在視力模糊的日子,他仍舊在不同的時間站在同一個位置上觀察光、影落在海上、碼頭及環境的變化。他照着眼前所見的光、影及動態,用十分鬆散及熟練的筆觸繪出朦朧的日出,因為有這種堅持,後世才可以從他的畫作了解他的眼疾及畫作之間的微妙變化,而「日出」更被譽為印象派的代表作品。如果我是Claude Monet,眼前的光景由清晰變成朦朧,過往的色彩分明變得難以識別,如果事情不能逆轉,我可以像他這樣接受視力的限制,不放棄所學的知識及興趣嗎?有人說Claude Monet的印象派畫作,近看是模糊的,遠看卻變得清晰。是的,當人站在遠處回首昨天的遭遇時,或許能夠豁然開朗。 On Impression, Sunrise Dawn and dusk are among the most commonplace subjects of paintings, yet we still can’t help being impressed by what Claude Monet managed to do in his “Impression, Sunrise”. The painting was finished in 1872 while the sight of Monet was declining. It’s
Dear students, How are you? I am Wallace, a teacher from the Department of Social Work. I have worked in CUHK for more than ten years, but have joined LWS College for less than two years only. Do you like Zoom teaching? Personally, I enjoy conducting my course face-to-face with students. I hope to remember
Dear Woo Singers, Hope you had a great start of the term! As most classes are still conducted online, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts and observations. I taught two zoom classes this week. One where most students turned on the camera and another where most had the camera turned