Prof. MIAO Miao Michelle

#11 WS Teacher’s Message

Dear members of the LWS community,

Time flies! I feel like I blinked, and the fall term has nearly come to an end. It has been a busy, productive and fun term, despite all the challenges that we face due to the COVID pandemic. We were able to do some teaching sessions in person, although so many classes and activities have been moved online. I have been genuinely delighted to see how motivated and eager our students have been, how quickly that they have been able to adapt to novel environments and how supportive they are for each other. We are all learning valuable lessons from the exceptional learning processes and diverse university life. The pandemic, to a certain extent, enriches our experiences, forces us to learn new skills and makes us even stronger.

In the past years, I have been serving on LWS’ Scholarship and Bursaries Committee. Together with other members of the committee, we assisted the college in distributing a full range of scholarships and bursaries to award students with outstanding performance and support students with financial difficulties. Lee Woo Sing College is indeed a place where the future leaders for Hong Kong, mainland China and the rest of the world have been nurtured, educated and trained.

Meanwhile, I have enjoyed teaching Chinese law and criminal law in the Faculty of Law for the past years. I have tremendous opportunities to meet and interact with brilliant professorial staff, researchers, lecturers, LLB, JD and LLM students through classes and activities in the past. I will continue to do so in the future. For those who are interested, I have been editing an online blog space for teaching and research Chinese Law. I have received excellent contributions from our CBL students this fall semester but also welcome future contributions from all interested parties across different disciplines. I would particularly encourage students from science and technology background who are interested in exploring the intersections between technology and law to contact me. I have also produced micro-modules videos in the past years. You can find these YouTube videos available here.

I look forward to contributing and supporting members of the LWS community!

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